All Chapters of Spying on My Billionaire's Secret Society: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21 : Mandatory Meeting
I woke up later than usual. My body needed to rest after the emotional night I had. Both Charlotte and Alice were already gone and from the alarm clock on my bedside, I saw that it was already nine-thirty in the morning. I got ready quickly and went down to the kitchen. Valerie was there with her morning cup of coffee, studying the girls and eyeing what they ate for breakfast, like usual. I prepared my helping of plain, boring oatmeal and went to sit by Alice. “Where’s Charlotte?” I asked her. “Oh, she has another date with her sponsor,” Alice replied casually, just in case anyone was listening to our conversation. I nodded. I didn’t want to say anything more here, but I needed to remember to ask Alice if she knew who Charlotte’s sponsor was. Before I could say anything else to her, Valerie cleared her throat and stood up. Everyone immediately quieted down. “Good morning, girls,” Valerie began. “After you wash the breakfast dishes up, there will be a
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Chapter 22 : Willing and Able
“You think they killed her?” Dante asked me. “You don’t think it was just a car accident?” I looked at him in surprise. “You think it’s a coincidence that Layla died the next day after she left the house? Come on, Dante, don’t you see? The Golden Hive never intended for her to live," I pointed out. "With all the things that she’s seen, how could they? They have the resources to kill her and are cold-hearted enough to do it. They will never let any former escort have any sort of life outside of these walls. They killed off Sara because she knew too much.” “But they didn’t kill my mother. They let her out and allowed her to live the rest of her life before she died,” Dante argued. He did have a point there. I considered what he said for a minute, then an idea came to my mind. “What if the society was okay with allowing your mom to live because they made sure your father could keep control of her? Didn’t you say that he had control of your mom's whole life?”
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Chapter 23 : Official
“Alright, the girls who have dates tonight are Sophie, Chelsea, Isabella, Anna, Maya, Stella, Natalie, Heather, and…” Valerie paused, consulting her clipboard. I was hoping that she was going to say my name. Even though I had just seen Dante yesterday, I was hoping that he had more information for me about Layla’s death. Or Sara’s death and how it was connected to the governor. After yesterday’s discovery about how many escorts The Golden Hive had already killed off, I wanted to finish this mission. For one, my biggest reason, I didn’t want anyone else to die or to get date raped. The second reason was I wanted to get the fuck out of this house of horrors. Finally, a small part of me wanted to explore whatever this connection I had with Dante was. I had to wait until our lives or others weren't in danger to do so though. I looked up at Valerie, hoping that my name was about to come out of her mouth. “The last girl to have a date with a sponsor tonight is Charlot
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Chapter 24 : Addicting
Dante was still waiting for me to answer his question about my day. He had a patient expression on his face, even though I was staring at him like an idiot. I quickly took another bite of my pizza so I could give myself time to think. While I chewed, I analyzed the situation I was in. I thought that Dante and I had agreed to wait to explore this undeniable connection we had until after we took down The Golden Hive. I vividly remembered our conversation about it, in which we ironically lay naked in bed together after we had passionate sex. Why was he going back on what we’d agreed on now? I couldn’t understand why. I thought about what happened yesterday. Did he think our lives were more in danger now because he found out just how far the society will go to silence those who cross them? Or even who were no longer of any use to them? I didn’t fully understand his reasonings, but all signs pointed to this being an actual date with Dante. So, the question was, what did I
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Chapter 25 : Kink
Why the fuck was I doing this again? Oh yeah, because I was a selfish woman who couldn’t control herself or her hormones. I was standing outside of my favorite room in this house. The door was closed and I considered turning around and walking away. Even though it was a weekday, Dante had scheduled another date for us. It was the third day I’d see him in a row, and although I wanted nothing more than that, I knew it wasn’t good for the case. Every moment he spent in this house with me was time taken away from helping our collective teams with the case in the outside world. Additionally, every minute I spent with Dante was time I could be spending gathering information in the house. For example, Alice had asked me to help her complete the list of her chores today because she wanted to talk with Luna and Sophie. She wanted to ask if they noticed any girls ever acting like they were drugged, to see if we could find out more about how often Valerie used roofies on t
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Chapter 26 : The Price of Information
I went over to Charlotte’s side. She was sitting on her bed in a white dress, her blonde hair was messy, and mascara was running down her face. Alice was sitting next to her with her arm around her with a concerned look on her face. Charlotte began crying again and put her head in her hands. I looked at Alice, silently asking her if she knew what was wrong with Charlotte. But Alice just shrugged. I placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke in a gentle tone. “Charlotte, I’m going to make you a cup of tea, alright? Then you can tell me what’s wrong.” She didn’t respond, she just kept crying. I ran to the kitchen and made three cups of chamomile tea. I brought them back on a tray. Thankfully, Charlotte was a little more calm when I came back. Since I usually buried my own emotions, I didn’t really know what to do or how to comfort people when they cried. I thought that was why I got along better with Alice than with Charlotte. Charlotte was sweet and kind, but she wo
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Chapter 27 : Working Alone
I looked in the mirror, studying my appearance. I didn’t look anything like the real Gabrielle and that was what I was going for. Bernard’s type of escort was the exact opposite of the true me and I had to change into what he wanted in order for him to get to notice me. Alice helped me dye my hair back to its original color, blonde. My hair was starting to become damaged from dyeing it so much, but that was the price I had to pay when I was undercover. I was wearing the lowest-cut dress I could find in the closet. It was hot pink and short, barely covering my ass. I was wearing a pair of white kitten heels because I didn’t think Bernard would find it very sexy if I could barely walk. Yesterday, I found Tamara again, asking her where I could find Bernard. She said that every Tuesday at ten in the morning, he had coffee with Valerie on the backyard patio. It was now ten-thirty and I wanted to catch them at the tail end of their date. I walked down the stairs and m
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Chapter 28 : Fixing Things
Before I went to find Tamara to see what she wanted to trade for my necklace, I went back to my room. This outfit didn’t feel like me and I wanted to get it off my body immediately. No one was in the room when I got there. I took a quick shower and wiped off all my makeup. I threw on a loose pair of jeans, a white tank top, and brushed out my blonde hair. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I was shocked to find Charlotte standing right outside the door. “Hey,” I muttered, stepping to the side of her. Immediately, I noticed that she had an expression on her face that I’d never seen her wearing before. I’d only ever seen Charlotte happy, sad, and worried. But I’d never seen her looking angry. No, not just angry. With Charlotte’s dark blue eyes and tense jaw, she was beyond pissed. “Um, is everything okay?” I asked her. Charlotte laughed once without humor. She walked closer to me. I never really realized how tall she was, but she towered over me. She put he
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Chapter 29 : Cleaning Crew
After I talked to Tamara, I went to the dining room to have dinner, which was a tiny piece of salmon and unseasoned asparagus. When I got back to my room, Charlotte’s stuff was already gone. I stared at her empty bed for a while. The loss of her friendship affected me more than I would have ever guessed. Usually, I didn’t let people in enough, especially when I was on a mission, but somehow, Charlotte, Alice, and especially Dante had gotten past all my walls and made me care for them. It scared me to realize that I was letting people in without making the conscious decision to do so. I grabbed onto the aquamarine gemstone that Tamara, thankfully, had given back to me. I really hoped Dante wouldn't discard me as easily as Charlotte did. But he didn’t come the next day. Or the next one. I knew it wasn’t a big deal, especially because it was during the week and sponsors usually only visited during the weekend, but my anxiety grew with each passing day. I was
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Chapter 30 : Wake-up Call
Dante led me over to the couch and put his arm around me. It reminded me of the last time I broke down in front of him, which was, embarrassingly, not that long ago. However, like last time, he let me cry it out. When I was finished, he raised my chin and stared into my eyes. He traced my eyebrow. “When you’re upset, your eyebrows turn pink. It’s one of the many adorable things about you,” Dante whispered. “Now, would you like to tell me what’s bothering you?” I nodded. Then, I told him what I learned about Sara. He listened without interrupting. At first, his expression was concerned, but after I explained how corrupt the governor was, he looked increasingly angry. “That asshole,” Dante exclaimed. He looked down at me and his expression switched to concern again. “I’m sorry, Gabrielle. I’m sorry you found out like that.” Dante pulled me into the circle of his arms and pressed me against his hard body. We sat in silence and it was exactly what I needed. He
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