All Chapters of Spying on My Billionaire's Secret Society: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41 : Last Night
“Gabrielle…I don’t think it’s a good idea. At least not tomorrow,” Dante said, a small frown on his face. I knew he was going to react like this. We were in the middle of a dinner date and I just told him about how our plan to get the information from Valerie’s office failed. I explained that we needed to physically get the computer out of the mansion and bring it to Bridgette and Jeremy to hack into it without having the password. There was a party scheduled for tomorrow that I thought would be a perfect opportunity for us to steal the computer. But Dante was shaking his head and interrupting me before I could even finish my plan. “Why not tomorrow, Dante? It’s the perfect opportunity because a new batch of escorts and sponsors are being introduced, Tamara told me. There will be so many people that Valerie and Bernard will be distracted. You will be here and we can get Bridgette and Jeremy to cut the cameras again. Alice and I will distract the guard and you can stea
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Chapter 42 : Plan B
I stared at myself in the mirror and let out a nervous sigh. I smoothed my hands down my red dress, the same one I wore at my first party here. I thought it would be fitting to wear the same dress since it was my last night here. No matter how the night played out. “You ready to meet Dante?” Alice asked from behind me. I turned around and studied her. She was wearing a black dress that suited her pale skin tone. I couldn’t even compliment how she looked because my throat was too dry. I nodded to answer her question and we walked to meet Dante. Thankfully, the hallways were deserted and we slipped into our usual room. Dante was already waiting for us. I stopped in the doorway because his appearance made me pause. He looked gorgeous in a black suit and red tie. When he saw me, his face bloomed into a huge smile. He pointed to his tie. “I was hoping you’d wear that dress so we could match,” Dante told me. We grinned at each other with stupid, happy look
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Chapter 43 : Charlotte
Charlotte stared at me for a moment, then she started laughing hysterically. She leaned against the wall and put her hands on her knees while continuing to giggle. Dante and I shared a look and I adjusted Valerie’s laptop I was holding. “Um, Charlotte? Are you alright?” I asked her with uncertainty coloring my tone. The young girl laughed for a few more moments and I had no idea what to do. It seemed like this was Charlotte’s breaking point. She had finally lost it. This house that she thought would be her saving grace, had broken her. I felt terrible that I had any part in it, however small or inadvertently it was. As we were waiting, Dante tried to take the laptop from my hands and leave, but I shook my head. “Plan B,” I whispered to him. He nodded. Finally, Charlotte seemed to calm down. Dante and I brought her over to a small alcove in the hallway with two chairs. We sat her down and I took the seat across from her. The last thing I wanted to do was si
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Chapter 44 : Hide and Seek
All three of us were shocked into inactivity for a long moment. We stared at each other in horror, wondering how Valerie or Bernard found out about the missing computer in such a short amount of time. I was the first one to rise and slowly walked toward the hallway that Valerie’s office was down. My legs felt heavy, like I was walking through water. I peered around the corner and gasped when I saw the mistake I had made. I had forgotten to close Valerie’s office door when I left. Jeremy and Bridgette could only hack into the cameras for twenty minutes. Our time was up. I turned to the other two, gripping Valerie’s laptop tightly in my hands. “We need to hide. Now,” I ordered Dante and Charlotte. Neither of them argued or questioned my urgency. They knew the severity of the situation. Both of them knew what could happen if we were caught. We raced down the hallway in the opposite direction of Valerie’s office. Quickly, my mind raced considering
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Chapter 45 : Victim
“Give me my goddamn laptop back, you little bitch,” Valerie hissed at me. I clutched the laptop that I was still holding in my hands. I held it in front of my chest like it was a bulletproof vest. She was stupider than I thought if she believed I was going to hand over the only bargaining chip I had. Sure, I had a gun pointed at me many times, but I wasn’t the one I was worried about. I was terrified that Valerie was going to kill the man I loved who was beside me, looking like he would take a bullet for me. I was even more scared for the terrified girl behind me who I just heard let out a little squeak of fear. Charlotte hadn’t even asked for this. When I thought about plan B, I never had any intention for her to risk her life too. “Good evening, Valerie,” I said in a calm voice, trying to convey a confidence I didn’t feel. "Why did you leave your own party?” I asked in a mildly curious voice. “From what I heard, your organization needs all the money it can get
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Chapter 46 : Hand in Hand
“Here, please drink something, Gabrielle. You’ve had a long night and it’s far from over,” Dante said, handing me a water bottle. But I didn’t take it. Dante, Charlotte, Alice, myself, and the rest of the other escorts were outside of the mansion. We formed a semi-circle and police cars with flashing lights were surrounding us. There were so many people in uniforms talking on walkie-talkies or walking in and out of the manor. It looked like the entire local police and the FBI were here. The scene before me was chaos. Two separate squad cars had driven Bernard and Valerie away. I was glad the FBI knew what they were doing. You never put the criminals in the back of the same car before questioning. You had to keep them separated so they couldn’t talk with each other about how to get their stories straight. I stared up at the mansion that had been my prison. It felt strange to be in the outside world after two months inside that house of horrors. If I felt weird, I coul
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Chapter 47 : Bloodline
“Are you nervous?” I asked Alice as we walked down the sidewalk. “Yeah, it feels like my heart is in my stomach,” she replied. It was a couple of days later and Alice, Dante, and I were going to visit my team's office. It had been a very hectic couple of days—from talking with FBI agents, police officers, and continuing to help Bridgette and Jeremy research The Golden Hive. We wanted to gather enough evidence to strengthen the upcoming case against Valerie, Bernard, and all of the sponsors. Also, I’d been helping organize all the witness protection placements for everyone. Alice was the only girl who didn’t need to go into the program. She was staying with her mother and she recently told me that her mother had said that Alice going undercover inside The Golden Hive was the bravest, but stupidest thing she had ever done. But, thankfully, I had just helped move the last girl into her apartment, Charlotte. It was hard to leave her, especially when she kept crying
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Chapter 48 : Dinner and a Show
“Now, you two come over anytime, you hear?” Alice’s mother called to us. We had just spent the afternoon at her house. Dante told Alice and her mom, whose name was Lacey, the truth about his mother’s hard life. The two women listened with wide eyes and tears. I was sure that it was hard to hear, but they needed to know the truth. Only then they would be able to fully heal. After Dante was finished telling everything, the mood in the bright kitchen was somber. But Lacey perked up and looked over at her nephew. She asked him if he would like to hear about how his mother was as a child and her family. Dante nodded enthusiastically. As he listened to how much of a happy and curious child his mom was, Dante’s face changed. His smile grew wider and wider. I knew that it was good for him to hear this. Knowing that his mother’s life hadn’t been all bad was really good for him. “You know what I remember most about your mother though?” Lacey asked Dante.
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Chapter 49 : Two White Lilies
A cool breeze ruffled the grass where I was kneeling and it tickled my legs. I looked up at the blue sky. There wasn’t a cloud in sight. I took a deep breath to steady myself. I tried to get into the right headspace for this moment, but I didn’t think I could ever truly prepare myself for what I was about to do. It was now a couple of weeks after everything happened at The Golden Hive. I was taking my time as I adjusted back to life outside of it all. The main thing I focused on was making sure the other ex-escorts were doing well as they navigated the new world they were in. Dante and I were seeing each other almost every day and I would spend the night at his house most days because I didn’t want to sleep alone. I usually woke up with nightmares when I did. I continued to help with research and find evidence to help the case against Bernard and Valerie. I was even going into the office two days a week. Also, I started to take up boxing again. I basically had to start from
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Chapter 50 : Verdict
*Six Months Later*“Those slippery motherfuckers!” I yelled, pounding my fist on the table. Dante shook his head angrily. Bridgette leaned her head back and sighed. Charlotte was crying silently. Alice had her arms crossed and was staring blankly at the wall. We were at my office in the conference room since Dante had called us all here to tell us the outcome of Valerie and Bernard’s trials. He had been attending both of them. I wanted to go with him, but ultimately my therapist and I decided that it would be too triggering for me. When I got the call from Dante, I thought for sure that he was gathering us here to tell us both of them were found guilty. I followed their court cases closely with the help of Dante and the news, which was covering this story closely. But it turned out the news wasn't good. It was quite the opposite, actually. Alice was the first one to speak after my outburst. “But…I don’t understand how they could get away with this. Th
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