


Keleigh’s POV

It didn’t take a while before the door opened again amidst my sobbing, looking up with teary eyes to meet Ryker and Arnold staring at me with bewildered eyes.

Ryker was the first to rush to my bed, his hand reaching to touch my face but was slapped off by mine. I cleaned my face, wiping off the tears before fully facing him.

“Why are you here?” I asked coldly.

“Why are you crying?” He asked in response.

I sank deep into the bed, keeping my hands over the blanket as I stared blankly at the wall. Annoyance and irritation tangled up in me, waiting for any of their words to burst out in anger.

“Keleigh, is there….

I glanced at him, my eyes cold and he gulped down. I watched him look up to Arnold, exchanging glances as the other sank in the other side of the bed.

“Is there anything you'd like to discuss? How are you feeling now?” Arnold said, his hand moving to touch my carefully folded ones.

I scoffed out, stepping on the last nerve of my anger, “how am I?” I
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