
Chapter six

Was I loosing it?! This is definitely happening for real. I just saw something I can definitely not unsee. 

My hands kept shaking as I tried my best to hold on to the wheel. 

I looked at the mirror in the car which showed the back seat. 

As I did so, an image flashed in it. 

I tried not to pay much attention to it but of course how could I ignore that? 

I looked at it again and what I saw drowned me in a pool of fear. 

It was the woman again. She had entered her beast self into the back seat of my car. 

I screamed my heart out at the sight. 

I tried to step on the breaks but my legs had no feeling. My legs refused to move and I tried to avoid having an accident even if my attention wasn't there. 

And this time she wasn't alone. 

The little girl which I had seen earlier the other day was sitting beside her, stroking the wooden doll she held. 

Now I had a closer view of the girl. She had hair that looked like it has never been touched by water. 

Her left eye was red and the second eye was totally black. 

She wasn't as tall as I had thought or assumed her to be from a distance. 

And what's more is that she looked awfully familiar. It was just as if I had seen her before the time I had seen her at the road side the other day. 

But where have I seen her before? 

"She is here. She is here!" The woman shouted in many voices. 

"Soon I will control your baby and you as well." The little girl said. 

She looked at me and laughed hysterically. 

This can't be happening to me. This can't be happening to me! 

Suddenly, I felt my hands moving on their own.  

I was no longer in control of my entire body. 

The demons must be responsible for this.

I watched helplessly as the car drove out of the road and crash hard against a tree. 

I felt my head hit against the hard wheel and felt cold liquid running down my forehead. 

Next thing I saw was total darkness. 

I opened my eyes and found myself home again. 

The memory of what happened to me while I was driving returned. I saw the face of the little girl and the woman that Sat beside. 

It all replayed so vividly in my mind. 

I screamed and jumped off the bed. 

I heard footsteps rushing outside my room and I prepared myself for the worst. 

It turned out to just be my husband and I felt temporarily relieved. 

"Henry!" I shouted his name and rush into a hug. 

"What happened to you Peggy? You look so frightened and your entire body is shaking." My husband said. 

"Henry, I saw... I saw demons! I saw witches!" I yelled. 

He held me close to himself and patted my back. 

"Everything is alright. I told you before that there is no such thing. Everything may look scary but there is really nothing else to it." He replied. 

I parted from his embrace and while standing still, looked everywhere, not exactly searching for anything. 

"You think I'm crazy don't you?" I retorted. 

"No Peggy. You're not crazy..." He said but I cut him off. 

"You also think I'm making all this up huh?!" I yelled.

"Peggy calm down." He said. 

"No! I won't calm down! You never believe anything I say!" I yelled at him. 

My body was shaking uncontrollably. 

Henry POV

I don't even understand the state of my wife anymore. Why is she behaving like she is possessed? 

She is no longer the Peggy I know. 

"Calm down Peggy. Please stop this. It's not funny." I said to her. 

This crazy act must have been the outcome of the accident. 

"I'm not joking Henry. I saw them. The first one said she is coming. That was when the second appeared." My wife explained. 

"You were just imagining things Peggy. Nothing of a sort happened. Just take deep breaths." I said, trying to calm her down. 

She is shaking so badly. I'm really worried of what might happen next. 

"No no no! I saw. I saw them! And yes. The little girl. The little girl had such a familiar face. Yes! A face so familiar. Yes!" She exclaimed. 

"Peggy please stop. This behaving this way. Please." I begged, hoping that it would all end. 

"I remember! I remember!" She yelled. 

"What do you remember?" I asked. 

"She. I remember she!" My wife replied. 

This is just getting even more weirder by the minute. 

My wife ran out of the room and I chased after her. 

"Peggy! What is wrong with you?! Where are you going?!" I yelled after her. 

Peggy didn't reply and she ranout of the house. 

I continued running after her till she entered the rickety old barn just a block away from our house. 

I entered it and saw her standing there. 

"Peggy why did you run off like that?" I asked as I went closer to her. 

I was very tired and already panting. 

I noticed she had her gaze on something and I looked that direction. 

An old and dusty picture was hanging sideways on the wall. 

"That is she. Henr... Henry... That is she! She!" Peggy said with a voice that made her seem obviously crazy. 

"Peggy that is just the picture of a little girl." I said. 

"And her wooden doll! She! She wants to control me and... And..." Peggy said, her words trailing off. 

"And what?" I asked, still feeling concerned. 

"She said she would control me and my baby." Peggy said. 

"Henry? Am I pregnant?" Peggy asked. 

This really not me shocked. 

I never told her that I had gotten my way with her last night. 

Before I could answer, Peggy spoke again. 

"The it her one wanted to eat my baby. My poor baby." Peggy said, rubbing her tummy. 

"Let's just go back home Peggy." I said. 

"Promise you would protect me and my baby from she." Peggy begged desperately. 

"I promise." I replied to her. 

Peggy followed me and we returned home together. 

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