

Eleanor shifted slightly, eyes fluttering open. She blinked severally, adjusting her vision to the sudden brightness of wherever she was. Her head hurt and even the slightest movement had her wincing and motioning to grab her head.

Only, she couldn't move her hands, or her legs. A let out a warning growl as she tried again, but her hands and feet would not budge. She peered down at herself to find that she was tied in straps of clothing and...chain?

What in the world....who would dare keep her in chains?

And what in the world was she wearing? A tunic that was four sizes larger than her sat on her upper half and her tight pants remained on her lower half. Her feet were stuffed in her boots, though they didn't seem so dirty anymore.

She felt somewhat refreshed, and minus the headache, she felt...well rested.

Just how long had she been knocked out? And who in the world changed her clothes?!

She recalled the last thing she had been doing before she had felt pai
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