

When she woke up, her head felt like it would explode. She grabbed her head and massaged her temples. Olivia hated the sunlight flooding in through the windows. Somehow they added to her headache.

She slowly sat up in bed and checked out the time. Ten o'clock. Well, breakfast must be long over. Titan must be pissed. She chuckled at that.

She rolled around in bed wishing the pounding in her head would stop, wishing the curtains could just close magically, but they didn't and Olivia cursed, grabbing her head in pain once again.

Finally accepting that sleep had slithered away, she sat up. The events of the night came rushing back in a series of flashes.

From makeup, to sneaking out, to the club, and then her drunken escapades that made Maya decide the night was over. Then to the house and recalling the argument with Titan and the striptease.

The striptease made her cringe.

The words they'd hurled at each other last night had blacked out of her memories but oh she recalled the drun
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