
A Daughter’s Revenge
A Daughter’s Revenge
Author: Lola Everson

Chapter 1: The Dream

"Three hundred years ago, the people of the lands were engaged in a Great War. There was famine and violence. The people suffered greatly as the noble houses of the realm fought for overall leadership.” The firelight danced in my father’s eyes as he began to weave his story. On Saturday nights we would BBQ and sit around the fire pit and tell stories. 

“The people of the realm struggled to feed their children as the fields of the realm burned with the bodies of fallen men. The alphas of each house had become corrupt and only cared about their own selfish needs. After centuries of the packs governing as a panel to fulfill the needs of the people, it had warped into padding the wealth of the alpha at the expense of all others. This of course led to a gridlock on the panel. Absolutely nothing could be agreed upon.” He leaned in closer to the fire and the flames danced in the center of us. 

“It became common place to kill alphas and their children and install new alphas in the hopes of gaining greater influence and riches. The violence reached a point where all the noble houses were warring against one another and within their own families. The line of succession and your placement on the list was either an opportunity to live a life of wealth and privilege or a death sentence. Being in the line of succession was not for the weak of heart.”

“The alpha of the Kingdom of the Moon, Alpha Malakai, was especially shrewd. It is said he was mated to an Omega. He cursed her and the moon goddess for pairing him with someone who he felt was beneath him.”

I gasped. 

“Oh my sweet child,” my father cooed, “the goddess made your mate especially for you. Rank is a construct of man. If the goddess has chosen your mate, who are we to question it? Your destiny and theirs is intertwined. An omega is no less worthy than a king.” 

“So the Alpha killed his omega mate. He couldn’t stand for her to have another because she was his, but he refused to accept the weak girl.” My father paused. He loved a dramatic pause. His face shifted to a serious and somber expression. 

“Alpha Malakai had the best warriors in the kingdom. They trained relentlessly. The pack would not accept any weakness among their ranks. They hatched a scheme to kidnap all the children of the Alphas of each pack. Malakai planned to hold them hostage in exchange for each pack swearing fealty to him and proclaiming the Kingdom of the Moon pack the King and overall Alpha of the realm.”

I gasped. The idea of being taken from papa and mother shook me to my core. “Th-that’s awful” I stammer barely above a whisper. 

I awoke drenched in sweat. My fathers words suffocated me. It won’t be long before the goddess reveals my mate to me. What path would she choose for me? I often dreamed of the stories father would tell me. Especially that story, as it was the last one before he died. 

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