
Chapter 2


"Do you plan on marrying me?" The guy who was with me in the room asked, wearing a mischievous grin.

"Lol, no. But I called you over because I wanted you to..."

Before I could complete my statement, I heard footsteps approaching. We both looked at the door, in anticipation for who it was coming to my hospital room.

I knew it was Clyde, which left me both excited and angry. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he walked in and saw who I was with, by this time of the night. 

I was yet to get over what I witnessed earlier between him and Laura. To make things worse was the sudden appearance of Madison. 

Regardless, my mind was made up. I was done with the marriage and I wasn't going to leave quietly. 

It was a Saturday evening, and the moonlight streamed through the window, casting shadows across the bedroom floor. 

When Clyde shuttled into the room, I watched his face turn pale as he saw me sitting up on the hospital bed, next to my ex boyfriend.

He shone a piercing glare at me with his sea blue eyes, in an attempt to get me intimidated. 

He then turned and faced the guy next to me. "Felix?" Clyde was practically fuming. He clenched his fists, exhaled, swallowed the rest of what he wanted to say, and looked at me for an explanation.

"Yes. I asked Felix to come keep me company, because you haven't been doing so."

Felix was oblivious of my plan at the moment, and surprised that after so many years, I sent for him to come see me in the hospital. 

"Are you okay, Ever? I was so scared when you sent for me. I honestly thought something bad was happening."

"Actually not. But there was nothing wrong with asking a good, old friend to come over, am I right?"

"Of course not!" He shifted closer to me, and placed my head on his chest, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I was surprised by the gesture, but very pleased by the look on Clyde's face. It was exactly the look I wanted to see. 

Felix was always sweet around me, and so he was the perfect person for the moment. 

Clyde's face was red at that moment, and he was close to losing his mind by just watching Felix and I.

"Uhm, Ever?" Clyde started, too dumbfounded to move at first. "You're ill, hospitalized and sitting next to your ex on the hospital bed?"

"Yeah..." I gave the most casual response and a bright smile. I was tempted to add that it was better than having sex with my best friend on the same bed, but I decided to save that part for later.

"When did you become so disrespectful?" He was still trying to understand what was going on and why I was being rude to him, which was unlike me.

"Glad you noticed that I wasn't always like this. Well maybe now, you have a reason to divorce me. So you won't be the bad guy..."

"I like where this is going!" Felix announced, picking the remote control up and changing the TV channel.

"Huh?" Clyde's countenance changed. 

He immediately withdrew eye contact with me, and strode to the door, wondering what the possibilities were that I had witnessed his make out scene with my best friend earlier today. 

He turned to look at me, before heading to the exit.

"Hold on!" I said to him as he got close to the door.

"What now?" Clyde swallowed, his facial expression completely unreadable.

"You still haven't answered my question. An hour ago, I asked you where Laura was. She is my bestie and you say she hasn't come to check on me since I passed out? 

That's unlike her. I have a feeling that something bad may have happened to her and you're keeping it from me."

"Laura is fine!" He snapped. "Like I said the last time you asked, she called!" There was impatience in his voice and burning rage in his eyes.

"How do you know that she is fine?" I raised a brow, wearing a smirk.

"I will be outside." Clyde walked on, trembling with the effort of keeping himself under control. 

"What's up girl? Did you catch him in bed with your bestie..." Felix rose from the bed and shut the door. 

He was probably having naughty thoughts. Usually, I'd scold him. But right now, I didn't mind what happened. 

I sighed, wondering if I wanted to tell him what was going on. "Felix, please contact my lawyer. I'm filing for a divorce." 

For a moment, I didn't recall that he might not even have my lawyer's contact. 

But I knew he would do as I asked, the moment I provided him with all the necessary details, so I picked my phone up and began to search for my lawyer's contact.

He gasped and raised a brow, drawing closer to me on the bed. "Divorce? Any specific reasons?"

"None of your business, don't jinx your luck. Just tell my lawyer to prepare the divorce documents. I'll be discharged soon and I wish to get the documents ready by then."

"Seems like Clyde has really upset you. Do you need a man to make him jealous?" He casually asked the question, the same way he had made many efforts to get back into my life in the past few years. 

I glanced up at him, giving his suggestion a second thought. It was a brilliant idea. 

An iconic divorce was good, but what could be better than holding hands with your husband's arch nemesis out of the hospital, after throwing divorce papers at him?

Clyde didn't have to be the bad guy, I was going to save him the stress and do the needful by myself.

I am done with trying to earn his love. I am a beautiful woman from a background that is both prestigious and influential. 

But I had thrown all of that to the mud to be with Clyde. In a little while, people forgot who I truly am. And I began to live the normal life Clyde wanted for me. 

The life of a random housewife. That didn't bother me in any way. But the fact that he cheated on me with my best friend, while I was hospitalized was too much to handle.

"I didn't think of going that far. But now that I think of it, I'll need you to park your car outside by 4 pm tomorrow. I'll be leaving the hospital in your car, and with your entourage."

"Amazing!" Felix smiled in response. 

Just as we finalized our plans, the door to the hospital room burst open. Clyde stood tall and lean, his eyes on mine. 

I saw panic and fear in his trembling lips, I looked over his shoulder at the men with him. They were policemen.  

Did he report Felix and I to the police? I was unable to fathom what the scene before me was about. 

"Everleigh, we need to speak with you," one of the officers said, his voice grave. "It's about Laura. 

There's been an incident." What now? I let a sigh out. My heart raced as the officer's words sank in. 

I glanced at Felix, whose smile had vanished. It was replaced by a look of concern. Clyde looked like he was about to crumble.

"What happened to Laura?" I said almost immediately, my voice trembling slightly. Regardless of what I had witnessed, I didn't wish for her death. Nor did I want to hear that she got hurt.

The officer exchanged a glance with his partner before responding. "She's been reported missing, and we have reason to believe foul play might be involved."

Felix's hand tightened around mine. I could feel the blood drain from my face as the man continued speaking. 

"Clyde," I said, turning to face him. "Did you both plan on eloping? Where is she?" That was the only valid explanation.

“Actually, Mrs Everleigh, we have a report here that you were the one responsible.”

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