
Chapter 3


I picked up my phone to call Felix, when I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the door that bulged open, and my gaze caught the handsome, tall blonde doctor. He smiled at me, with a report in his hand.

The doctor strode towards my bed, his white coat billowing behind him like a cape. He had a bounce in his step as he approached me. 

Whatever he had to tell me seemed positive, I was relieved. I had waited the whole morning for the medical report, I couldn't wait for the news for another second.

“Am I going to die?” I asked him, sitting up on the bed.

“Far from it,” He replied. Standing next to my bed and looking down at me. "Mrs Ever, dear, I have good news."  He was grinning from ear to ear. I guessed correctly, it was good news.

"Well, spill it and let me get out of here. I was to be discharged this morning, but you kept me here till now." 

I looked up at the clock above my head, then continued, "It's almost noon Dr Robin. I'm sorry if I sound uneasy but I indeed am. I need to be away from here. 

I need to be home!” When I said home, there was nowhere on my mind. Probably a hotel would do for the moment.

“I am sorry, dear. I'm done with the tests and you can leave now. Have this!" He handed me a piece of folded paper.

I stretched my hands out and took the report from him. I found my heart racing. With  trembling hands, I opened the sealed envelope. 

I had been feeling so hopeful and optimistic, after seeing the look on doctor Robin's face, when he had entered the room. 

But as I unfolded the paper, my heart sank. The words I looked at were a direct contrast of what his words and facial expression had hinted.

I felt conflicting emotions, as I sat there, staring at the words before me. Like a teenager discovering she was pregnant after a one night stand. 

It was as though my entire world had crumbled in an instant. "How is this even possible?" I managed to blurt, letting the tears drop down my cheeks. 

I had planned to travel, tour, have fun, and live loose if I wanted. But how am I going to do any of that when I am now a month pregnant with twins?

"Everything okay, miss Ever?"

"Get out!" I thundered, throwing the paper on the bed and my hands into the air. “Fuck!” I said aloud. 

"Well, you're not usually like this. Why are you so cranky? It's a little early for the hormones to act." 

He gave a light, nervous giggle, but shut his mouth when he saw that I wasn't looking any better.

The door creaked slightly and bulged. A tall man who was undeniably handsome stood, gazing at Dr Robin and I. 

As I saw Clyde's deceitful frame approach me, I made up my mind to keep the pregnancy a secret. 

I wasn't sure I wanted to keep children who were conceived by lies and whose father was a lying cheat. 

But even if I decide to keep the babies, Clyde would never know about them.

"Why is she crying?" Clyde said, hastening his steps.  

"I told her what I assumed would make her happy. But instead, she burst out crying."

"Well, what's the good news?"

"I gave her a report, showing that she is going to..."

"It's none of your business, Clyde!” I said in response.

He was taken aback and so was the doctor with us in the room.  “Maybe I should excuse you both,” He said, turning to face the door.

“No, Clyde should!” Letting a sigh out, I reduced my voice and said with a fake smile, "Can you excuse us, honey? I wish to speak to him in private."

"Why would you want to be excused by your husband? If something is the matter, I should know!"

"And you will." I said, dismissing him. I watched Clyde leave, turning to glance at the doctor and I before shutting the door behind him.

"Please sit down, doctor."

"Why did you yell at your husband and why are you sobbing?"

"Just sit and listen!"

He sat next to me, and locked his emerald blue eyes in mine.

"I want this child to be a secret."

"Children!" He corrected, still trying to understand why I was sounding so awkward. "Mrs Ever, are you sure you are okay? 

You and Clyde have always wanted a baby. And now you'll have two.  What's going on with you?"

"None of your business, doctor Robin. I want my children to be a secret. Clyde must not know about them."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. He is your husband and I can't lie to him or keep him in the dark. Besides, you'll need him to sign some papers when you start coming for the prenatals."

"I can worry about my documents and who'll sign them. Listen, Robin. If you tell Clyde about these children, you are going to hate me."

"What are you gonna do?" He didn't mean to sound like he was asking me to do my worst, but I interpreted it as that Everleigh who was a dark girl in college came back, and gave him a fitting response.

"Are you daring me to do my worst, doctor Robin? Because if you are, then I'll make you wish you never met me.” 

"Are you threatening me?"

"If that's how you choose to look at it, then yes."

“I guess the rumors are true. You were the one who abducted your best friend!”

My jaw dropped. I blinked multiple times. “You think I'd do something like that?” 

I was accused of abduction and although I tried not to think about it, Dr Robin's words were proof that the news was out there.

He heaved, and stood from where he was sitting. "When did you become like this? You used to be humble and respectful."

“You wouldn't get it. And you know what, doctor robin? I don't care about what you believe! I'll give you three hundred thousand dollars to keep my pregnancy a secret.”

“It's a crime, Ever.” He was almost pleading. “I can't do it.”

“What is a crime?” Someone else had overhead us. He stood at the door with fisted hands in his pockets, casting a glance down at me.

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