
Break for February

Hi guys,

In my last chapter, I mentioned that I would be taking a break for a couple days to refresh my mind and feel a bit better so I could get back to writing...well, not I'm even more unwell. I don't know if it's just a common cold or flu or the rona, but I've been feeling really unwell since this morning...courtsy of me attending a wedding without a mask on the 1st of February. And even though I thought I could push through, I think it's about to get worse from tomorrow onwards, so I'm deciding to take a break as I won't be able to make my MAB. 

I'm sorry for the sudden announcement and I really thought that I could pull through but with the constant headaches and the sudden tiredness, it's getting more and more difficult to work right now. And I know for a fact that it'll get worse from tomorrow onwards, because of my asthma. So it's better to take this month off and come back next month so I can finish off the whole story.

Once again, really sorry for not being able to update this month, but I don't think I can continue for now.

Thank you for understanding.

Happy Reading guys!

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