
Chapter 42: Never too Old for Piggy-Back Rides

Chapter 42: Never too Old for Piggy-Back Rides

Kathleen’s P.O.V

I wrapped my arms around Arthur, and couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face in gratitude. My whole body shook, and my mind replayed all that had just happened. It was a close call…and I never wanted to go through something like this ever again!

I thought that would be the end of me…that I wouldn’t be getting out alive. The chances of a miracle happening had been very slim. But Arthur had appeared out of nowhere, becoming my miracle in this desperate situation. I was extremely grateful to him, and the anger that had overwhelmed me moments ago, completely vanished into thin air now that I was in his arms.

In fact, the anger from before was now replaced with regret. What I had done was simply childish and mindless. Thinking about it now, even Hayley wouldn't have done that. Like an idiot, I had simply staggered out of Arthur's mansion and into the street, with no other plans on what to do next, or where to go.
Anna Kendra

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, I needed a desperate mental health break. Still not up to 100% yet, but I'm trying my best. Thank you, everyone, for being so patient and understanding towards me. It's thanks to you guys that I get the strength to do what I love! Thank you once again, and apologies! Happy reading!

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Thank you for continuing the story! I love the maturity of the leads, people I can relate to. Please keep up the great storyline and beautiful character development. Hope you completely recover soon. Much appreciation!

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