
Broken Lily

“What?” She asked as her smile faded immediately.

“I’m so sorry. Your father is dead. He died an hour ago.” He replied and the bag fell from Lily. 

“What? What?! How can he be dead? You said he still had eight hours left yesterday and right now, there is still supposed to be twenty-four hours left.” She raised her voice a little.

“I know. I miscalculated.”

“You miscalculated?” She screamed at him in tears and it got the attention of everyone in the hallway.

“Miss. Harris, please… “

“Don't you dare! Don't you dare tell me to calm down. I have the money already, I got the money, you told me I had forty-eight hours left.” She cried.

“He was alive up until an hour ago. If you had shown up earlier we would have still done something about it. I am really sorry Miss. Harris. I truly am.” The doctor replied and walked away leaving Lily on the spot in tears.

‘It is my fault! It is my fault!’ She screamed in her head. Only if she hadn't taken so long in the shower, or she wasn't so relaxed that she still had more hours left. Then her father would be alive.

Lily slowly bent to the floor and let out a scream of pain and agony, all she did was for nothing! Shd couldn't save her father, it was all in vain! 

Everyone in the hallway watched her as she cried like a crazy person but she ignored their stares. Nothing mattered at the moment. Nothing at all. 

The guilt kept eating her up every second, she moved her hands to her hair and held it tightly as she cried. 

“It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault.” She muttered as she cried. 

“Ma’am please you need to keep your voice down or you will have to exit the hospital.” A nurse walked up to her.

“Don't you dare tell me what to do. You all are fucking useless. You don't know how to do your job and you let my father die!” She yelled and the nurse flinched.

“I was there when your father died ma’am. It was peaceful.” The nurse said hoping she would feel better.

“Fuck you.” Lily replied and picked up the bag and walked out of the hospital in tears. She didn't want to see his body, the guilt wont let her, she didn't deserve to. 

She got out and took a taxi back home. She got home and rushed inside, she badly wanted to scream and cry her eyes out.

She got in and dropped the bag, she ran her hands through her hair and fell to her knees. She cried so much and her eyes moved to the bag, in anger, she opened it and threw the money out.

She screamed as she stopped throwing the money all over the place, she started to scatter everything her hand could reach. 

After scattering the house and screaming, she slowly sat on the floor and leaned on the wall. 

“I’m sorry Dad. I’m sorry.” She muttered and pulled her knees to her chest. She wrapped her arms around herself and sniffed as tears streamed down her eyes. 

“It is my fault. It is all my fault.” She whimpered as she closed her eyes.

It has been a few days since Lily’s father died, it has been a few days since she was left all alone, and it has also been a few since she last stepped out of her house or did anything. 

All she does is stay in a spot all day and cry, sometimes taking a shower when she feels like it.

She felt like there was no point in living again, she wanted to stop living so badly. She had tried to take her life multiple times but she couldn't, she was too scared to do it. She wanted someone to.

The guilt of it being her fault that her father died kept eating her up, it was draining her. 

Her house was still scattered, there was no point arranging it since she would still get frustrated and ruin it all again. 

The money was still all over the place, she didn't want the money anymore. It felt useless to her. Every night, she tried her best not to think about the one night stand that she had that went in vain, she kept thinking about the pain and torture she went through. 

Life is so cruel and hard on her, life isn't fair to her.

Her hatred for her mother was now extreme, if her mother had help and didn't treat her like trash when she went to ask for her help, her father would be alive right now and be okay. 

She knew four hundred thousand dollars was a lot of money, but it was like a hundred-dollar bill to her mother. Her mother got married to a millionaire, a popular one in the city. 

She exhaled heavily and wiped her tears for the umpteenth time, she was seated on the floor in the living room.

Out of the blue, the door suddenly burst open and Lily shut her eyes immediately because of the light. She hasn't seen a bright light in days.

She heard footsteps and she panicked as she couldn't open her eyes to see the people walking to her home. 

Before she could get up, she felt the two hands pull her up forcefully and she screamed. She forced her eyes open which made her head hurt like hell.

She saw men dressed in black dragging her out and she panicked.

“Let me go. Let go of me.” She struggled and screamed as they pulled her out of the house. 

Their grip on her was too tight but she kept struggling, she bit one of them on the hand and he groaned in pain. She was able to break free and tried to run but they hurriedly caught her again.

“Just knock her out.” Someone from the black car yelled and she screamed.

“No. No, please.” She started to cry.

“Don’t knock me… “ She trailed off as she heard a loud bang and felt a sharp pain in her head, her vision became blurry as they dragged her towards the car. They put her in and she kept struggling weakly till she slowly blacked out.

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