
A Sad News

With trembling hands, Lily slowly took off the underwear and she was naked before him. He ran his hand on her body and she wrapped her hands around her breasts.

“Let go.” He ordered and she slowly let go of her breast. He had a better view and he stared at them. She tried to stop crying and just accept her fate. This was what life signed up for her.

“Get on the bed.” He ordered further and she slowly did. He got on the bed too and she froze as she lay on it. Her heart was racing so fast and she wished it was over already.

He was about to lean closer to her when she stopped him.

“Wait.” She said and he paused. He wondered why he was being gentle with her, he was nothing like this. According to his routine, he would be rough with the girl and treat her like a slut that she is. 

But here he is, listening to her.

“Please turn off the lights.” She said staring at him, he stared at her for a few seconds before getting off her and turning off the lights. 

Lily exhaled in relief a little, she didn't want to see any of it happen. She isn't proud of what she is doing.

She waited for him to get back on the bed but he didn't, she was about to sit up when she felt him climb the bed and this time, he had no clothes on. She felt his bare skin touch hers and she gulped. 

She could hear her heart racing as he slowly moved his hands on her. He leaned closer to her and kissed her lips, everything felt new to Lily. She hasn't had more experience in this life, she can say she has the worst life ever. 

She never got to do anything like every other girl when she was a teenager. 

She didn't know how to reciprocate what he was doing, all she did was let him do whatever he wanted. 

She suddenly felt something poke her between her legs and she stiffened, she knew what it was and with the way things were going, she knew he wouldn't be gentle with her. 

In a flash, she felt him spread her legs and lift them. Before she could blink, she felt him thrust into her roughly and she let out a loud cry as she felt a sharp pain in her. 

That didn't make him stop or reduce his pace, Lily placed her hands over her mouth to stop herself from crying out loud. 

As he thrust in and out of her, all she did was cry silently. She was in a lot of pain but she knew she had to endure it. It will all be worth it when she saves her father and he is healthy, it will all be worth it when they are happy. A few hours of pain didn't matter! 

The pain became unbearable at a point, she started to feel weak and she slowly passed out. 

It was morning and Lily was still asleep. After a few more minutes, she slowly opened her eyes. 

She looked around and closed her eyes back as she tried to process what was going on, she thought about where she was and how she got there. It all came rushing back and she sighed and opened her eyes.

She noticed the room was empty as she slowly sat up, her legs were aching so much. She turned next to her and saw a bag, next to the bag there was a file, she let out a sigh and moved closer to it. She slowly opened the bag.

Her eyes widened in shock when she saw a lot of money in it, she had never seen such a huge amount of money in her life. In the bag, there was also a card and she picked it up. 

It was the guy’s address, her eyes moved to the file and she opened it, there was a small note on the first page.

“Go through the contract properly before signing it, when done signing, you can leave it in the room. The rest will be taken care of.” She read out loud. 

She opened the contract and didn't go through it, she felt like she knew what it contained already. She signed the papers and exhaled heavily. It was just for a year, a year and she would be free.

Looking around again, she noticed another bag on the bed, she pulled it closer to her and opened it. 

It had clothes in it and she felt so relieved. 

Ignoring the pain in her legs, she stood up and rushed into the shower happily. She was so happy she would save her father, having a one-night stand with a stranger would be worth it after all. 

She knew she still had a lot of time, forty-eight hours wasn't up yet. She took her time in the shower and spent up to an hour. When she was done, she walked out and got dressed. 

The dress was a pretty black gown but it was free at the end and stopped a little bit above her knee.

She liked the dress and wondered if it was the guy that got it for her. She also noticed the bed was neat and had no bloodstain on it. Did he do all these? But how did he do all of it so fast? 

She was sure it was still morning, maybe a little close to noon though. She carried the bag filled with money happily, made sure the contract file was also well signed then she walked out of the room. 

She brought out a few dollars as she exited the building. 

She took a taxi and headed to the hospital.

Lily walked happily into the hospital with her head up high, it felt like she won the lottery. 

She got to the floor where her father's ward was, she headed towards it but bumped into the doctor on the way and she smiled at him.

“Hey, Doctor Griffin.” She called happily with a wide smile.

“Miss Harris. You are back.” The doctor replied and she nodded with a huge smile still on her face.

“Yes, I am and I got the money. See.” She replied, raising the bag.

“Oh, yeah. I can see that.”

“Okay, so go ahead. You can start the surgery now.” She replied and the doctor gave her a nervous look.

“Miss. Harris. Your father is dead.”

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