
A One Night Stand

“Please, don't kill me.” The middle-aged man pleaded as he stared at the ruthless man who pointed a gun at his head.

“You can't break codes and expect to get away with it. And you know, if you are caught the punishment is death.” Axel replied and the man shook his head in tears.

“Please, I... “ The man trailed off as he pulled the trigger and the bullet pierced his head, he fell dead and blood gushed out of his head. 

Axel stared at the blood as it flowed to his feet. 

He turned to the guard next to him and threw the gun towards him, he caught it with ease and bowed.

“Clean up this mess.” He ordered and walked out of the warehouse.

He got out and headed towards his car, he got in and his phone rang as he ignited the car.

He glanced at the caller and rolled his eyes to see it was his father.

He picked up the call as he drove into the streets.


“I’m listening.” He replied rudely,

“Tomorrow is the deadline.”

“Deadline? For what?”

“For you to bring a wife. What is wrong with you? Do you want to lose your title in the clan? You will get promoted but first, they need to know how responsible you are.”

“I am working on it.” He replied as he took a turn.

“No, you are not. You completely forgot about it. Your mother already found you a wife and she... “ His father was cut off as he ended the call.

He wasn't ready for the conversation, he found it irrelevant. At the same time, it was important. He likes it or not, he really has to find a wife before tomorrow or he will lose a lot.

He can't afford to lose his title in his clan, he worked so hard to get to where he was. He can't afford to let things get ruined, not now. 

He sighed as he pulled over in front of his regular place, he would think about all these in the morning. Right now, he just wants to fuck the life out of someone. 

He didn't walk through the entrance as he got out of his car, he passed the VIP entrance at the bank.

Once a week, he visits this place, he has special ladies picked for him and he pays them off. Just not to ruin his status and reputation in the city, he makes sure they are blindfolded. 

He got to the door of the room and slowly twisted the knob and walked in. He saw a lady dressed in a gown exposing her thighs and looked amazing on her. 

She had a badass shape and he stared at her body. She seemed tense because she kept tapping her feet repeatedly on the floor and playing with her fingers. 

He closed the door and slowly walked towards her.

“Hmm… hi.” She stuttered and he raised his brow. Other ladies would start to strip immediately after they heard the door open but she said ‘hi’ to him. 

Out of the blue, he got so curious. He wanted to see who it was. He leaned closer to her and held her chin up then took off the blindfold. 

He saw a beautiful set of blue eyes and he stared at them, she had tears in her eyes which made them glister. 

Surprising to him, she held his gaze and stared back at him. He withdrew his hand and pulled away when he realised he was staring for too long. 

“Get up and strip.” He ordered since she wasn't doing anything.

“Oh, okay.” She replied softly and stood up, he watched her as she slowly pulled down the gown, she was in matching underwear and she wrapped her arms around her breast which Axel found amusing.

Why is she doing that? 

He started to get impatient and he walked closer to her, he pulled her to himself and crashed his lips on hers. 

She hurriedly pulled away from him and breathed heavily.

“Oh God.” He muttered and ran his hands through his hair.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can't do this.” She apologised and cried as she tried to pick up the gown but her tears blurred her vision. 

“So they employ people like you now?” Axel asked and she looked up at him, she shook her head and sniffed.

“No. I don't work here. I am just here because I need money urgently. This was a mistake.” She replied. 

Axel found himself getting more curious about her.

“What's your name?” He asked.


“What do you need money for?” 

“My father is sick and I need to raise four hundred thousand dollars in forty-eight hours. I got offered this job but I don't want to do it anymore.” Lily replied in tears. 

Axel kept staring at her, his face holding no expression. Without giving it a second thought, he blurted out what popped into his head.

“Not like I care or I am moved by your pathetic story but I will help you.” He said and her blue eyes widened.

“But in return, you will help me.” He added and she furrowed her brows confused.


“I will give you double what you need if you agree to marry me. You will get into a contract marriage with me for just a year, we will get a divorce after that and you will be free to go. And you will still have to do what you don't want to do tonight.” He explained and Lily stared at him. 

She would get married to him and still have sex with him tonight? For double of what she needs? 

She would have more than enough with the double, she would pay for the surgery and still have more left for herself and her father. 

She finally made up her mind and exhaled heavily.

“Okay. I will do it.” She replied and used the back of her palm to wipe her tears. 

“I am not with the contract now but you will get it in the morning.” He said and she nodded in response.

“Do we have a deal?” He asked sternly.

“Ye… yeah, yes. We have a deal.” She stuttered in response and he nodded.

“Now, strip Lily.”

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