
Family Dinner

“Yeah, the McCalls.” Nora replied.

“I know you had a fight with their daughter at the party but it will be fine. Just ignore them.” Nora said and Lily nodded in response.

“Oh, and Max will be there too.” She added.

“Max is also a family friend too?”

“Well, yes. He and Axel have been friends since childhood.” Nora explained and Lily nodded again.

“So what exactly are you preparing me for?”

“The meals we will be having tonight. Rejecting a meal by your husband’s parents will be disrespectful so you have to eat whatever they offer.” Nora replied.

“Oh, I am getting better at eating weird meals. I have been eating the ones the maids prepare.” Lily replied and Nora laughed.

“They are not weird. They are normal.” She said and Lily smiled.

“Come on, we have a lot of eating to do.” Nora chuckled and pulled her towards the dining room.

The day was a little bit fun for Lily, Nora cheered her up and they both talked about a lot of things. Nora shared her experiences on trips with her and Lily
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