
Chapter four

"Jim, did you sleep with my guest?" he inquired, his voice trembling with anger.

Jim looked down, guilt written all over his face.

“Yeah,” Jim admitted, bracing himself for whatever Branden's reaction would be.

“I can explain, bro; it's not what you...”

Before he could complete his statement, Branden’s hand shot out, delivering a resounding slap across Jim's cheek. “How dare you, Jim?" He yelled, his fist clenched in fury.

Jim stood his ground, rubbing his cheek where Branden had just slapped him. “I couldn't stop her, Branden; she came to me! The day I got back to the mansion, she was right there when I walked into your room, naked, and I tried to...”

Branded roared, shoving Jim backwards. “Excuses! You took advantage of a vulnerable woman you met in my room while I was away, and all you can do is give excuses for your silly behavior.”

“Common Branden, we can talk about this like real men; being physical over this ain't necessary, man,” Jim politely explains, his voice calm.

“Don't you dare say that to me, Jim; how do you expect me to react after finding out you slept with my guest, the same woman I was intimate with?" Branden screams, his voice fierce.

Lisa stood at the side, devastated by what she had just discovered. She had been intimate with the two brothers on the same night. Lisa couldn't stand the shame of what had happened. Staggering a bit, she plunged onto the couch, gazing at the brothers as they argued like children.

The brothers' feud flared up as the shouting escalated, trading insults and shoving violently at each other.

Confused, terrified, and overwhelmed by the unfolding scene, Lisa made a split-second decision. Without a word, she grabbed her purse and bolted from the room.

Branden and Jim were so engrossed in their conflict to even notice Lisa's departure. What had started as an awkward conversation has spiraled into a heated argument, and Braden's rage towards his brother was so terrifying to behold.

Tears welled up in Lisa's eyes as she fled from the mansion; she didn't want to think of anything else besides getting away from the chaos, the accusations, and the unsettling feeling that her life had just taken a drastic and unpredictable turn.

Upon Jim realizing that Lisa had left, he hurries out, calling out to her, but notices she was far gone. He returns to the living room and meets Branden gazing at him sternly.

“You made her run away again, Branden,” he said, his voice calm.

“I will go in search of my woman, Jim; as for you, you will leave my house at this moment; and stay away from Lisa and my child. You're not to be trusted.” Branden commands, his voice firm.

Jim raised an eyebrow, his disappointment obvious. “I'll leave your house, Branden; I can afford as many houses as I desire. Moreover, I planned on being here for a few months for my research, but now that I have something to hold on to, I will stay back and fight for what's rightfully mine,” he responds, his tone impassive.

Branden sighs, picking up his suitcase from the coach. “You will never have her, Jim,” he assures, as he heads out of the living room.


Tears streamed down Lisa's eyes as she walked in through the front door.

Freya, alerted by the noise, rushed out of her room. "Hey, Lis, what's wrong?” She asked gently, her voice filled with concern. Lisa could barely speak; her voice was choked with sobs.

The scene at the mansion flooded back—the heated argument between the brothers, the rage and violence that had exploded after her revelation, and the truth she had found out about that dreaded night. It had all gone so horribly wrong.

Freya gently held her, pulling her into a comforting hug. Lisa clung to her as the tears flowed freely, and emotion released with each shaky breath. Lisa cried till no more tears were coming out of her eyes. Freya simply held her, stroking her hair and whispering reassuring words to her.

Exhausted from the incessant wailing, Lisa eventually drifted to sleep. Upon noticing that Lisa had slept, Freya got a blanket and covered her. She stroked her hair gently one last time as she gazed at her. “You"'ll get through this, Lis,” she utters, reassuringly.

A sparkle of sunlight peaked through the blinds, indicating it was dawn. Lisa sat up, feeling a slight ache in her head. She rubs her head slightly as she attempts to get on her feet, but is interrupted by the aroma of her favorite breakfast sandwich hovering from the kitchen.

Freya suddenly appeared beside her with a warm smile and a plate of her favorite sandwich held in her hand.

“Good morning, sleepy head. I thought this might cheer you up a little,” she said softly, handing her the plate of sandwiches.

Lisa takes the meal as she gently pulls Freya close to her and hugs her tightly. "What would I do without you, Freya? You're the best.”

“You would never know,” Freya responds with a wink. “I'll always be here for you, Lis.”

Blinking back happy tears, Lisa pulls the plate of sandwiches closer, digging into the familiar taste and flavor like a reviving balm.

Freya plunged onto the couch next to Lisa, watching her dig into her meal. "Whenever you're ready, Lis, I'm here to listen.

Lisa looks up at her with a piece of sandwich in her mouth, and Freya nods at her reassuringly. She gently eats her sandwich, taking the last bite, gulping it down with a glass of cranberry, and then turning to Freya.

About what happened at the mansion..." Lisa explained every detail of her encounter at the mansion to Freya, leaving no stone unturned.

Freya, still inquisitive, asked if she was sure it was Branden Grevor, the famous billionaire she had just spoken of, or just a lookalike.

Lisa nodded in response. “Yes, it was him and his brother; they are monsters.”

“I'm sorry about what happened, Lisa; this must be so hard for you, especially upon the realization that it was with the two brothers. I'll stand by you on any decision you take pertaining to this, Lis,” she said, holding Lisa’s hands.

“Thanks, Freya; having you by my side is enough for me, and as for those two, I do not want to set my eyes on any of them ever again. I would raise my child all by myself; I and my child will be good without the father,” she utters, her voice firm with determination.

Freya gives a gentle smile in affirmation of what Lisa has just said.

Just then the doorbell drew their attention off their initial conversation, and Freya shot her a questioning glance. "Don't worry, Lisa," she said, rising from her chair. "I'll get it."

Freya opened the door, and in front of her was a tall, broad-shouldered man standing framed in the doorway. He was well-built, his physique like that of an athlete. A friendly smile played on his lips.

“Hello,” Freya said, her voice gentle. “Who are you?”

"Hy," he responded, his voice deep and pleasant. “I'm here to see Lisa.”

Freya's brow furrowed. "Okay, but who are you?"

He hesitated for a bit and then grinned at Freya. Just tell her it's a friend, an old friend who would really like to see her.”

Lisa's breath caught in her throat. Recognizing the voice, a feeling of shock ran through her veins. She scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding against her ribs.

"Freya!" she called out, her voice tight. "It's okay, I'll handle it."

Freya turned towards Lisa, a question in her eyes. But before she could ask anything, Lisa had already reached the door. She stood still, staring at the man before her in disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" she blurted out, anger and disbelief flooding her voice.

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