
Author: MerciWilly

Chapter one

Leave my house, you mischievous, shameless little slut. Ain't you ashamed? How can you do a thing like this? How could you seduce your own stepfather? I've known you've always been like this, but I was just too blind to see it. Please get out of my house, young lady, leave, Lisa’s mom yells, pointing a trembling finger at her.


Lisa slammed the suitcase shut, tears rolling down her eyes. Trying to hold back the tears had done little to ease the burning betrayal that clawed at her heart. Her own mother, the woman who was supposed to love and protect her, had betrayed her, framed her, and thrown her out like some unwanted trash.

Clutching the suitcase, Lisa stormed out of her room, the weight of her mother's accusation hanging heavy in the air. There was no goodbye, no apology, just the cold, accusing stare of her mother echoing in her mind.

Lisa stumbled into Freya's apartment, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Freya, her best friend since childhood, sat on the couch, a worried frown carved on her face. She looked up as Lisa entered, concern flickering in her eyes.

Freya rushed over and put a comforting arm around her friend.

"Hey," Freya said softly, her voice laced with sympathy. "What happened? Tell me everything."

"I can't believe Mom did this to me," she sobbed, collapsing onto the couch.

"Mom… She… she threw me out," Lisa stammered, her voice thick with emotion. "And accused me of...sleeping with Dad."

Freya's eyes went wide with shock. “That's insane; why would she go that far, Lisa? All for what? Lisa, you know that's not true.”

Lisa nodded, tears streaming down her face. "She...she drugged us. Made it look like we...oh god," Lisa choked out between sobs. “I don't remember anything after dinner."

"I think she was just jealous because Dad's always complimenting me. But to go this far?" She shook her head. "My own mother... it's unbelievable.”

Freya's face stiffened. Lisa's stepfather had always been a little too mushy and a little too complimentary towards Lisa. Freya had seen the way he looked at her sometimes—a hungry look in his eyes that made her skin crawl.

"That sly dog," Freya growled, clenching her fists. "I knew there was something off about him."

“His looks and compliments were always fussy.”

"And that jealous witch as well!" Freya flared. "Why would she even think of a thing like that? That's so absurd. Don't worry, Lis; you can stay here as long as you want. We'll figure this out."

Lisa lets out a faint smile through her anguish. “Thanks, girl. I don't know what in the world I would do without you.”

Freya squeezed Lisa's hand reassuringly. “Absolutely nothing, Lis,” she replied, smiling. “But first, let's get you out of these tear-stained clothes and order some takeout.”

A grin flickered on Lisa's lips. Freya was always here for her, and she always knew how to make her feel better, even in the darkest of times.

Even if she had lost her home and had been betrayed by her mom, she still had Freya, her best friend, by her side.


The massive bass shook the walls as Lisa downed another shot, trying to numb the hurt and anger. She had stepped out of the house to go to the club to unwind. Attempts from the previous day to drown her sorrows with Freya had yielded only tear-filled tissues and a mountain of uneaten burgers. Now, alone in the vigorous mob of the club, she sought solace in the bosom of her glass.

A slimy voice cut through the music. "Hey there, you look like you could use some company," he said, putting a hand on her thigh. A corny grin on his face.

Lisa gazes at him in disgust. "Get away from me, you creep!"

The man's grin widened as he tightened his grip. “Common baby girl, don't be like that; I can help you get home safe,” he winked. His hand brushed against hers, sending a shiver of disgust down her spine.

Lisa sensed fear, but she was too weak and drunk at this point to take any action.

Just then, a deep voice resonated from behind them. "Hey, Mr., leave the lady alone. She's my cousin.”

From across the club, Branden had been watching the scenario unfold; he was pissed at the man's attempt to take advantage of the gorgeous, vulnerable lady. So he had to come to the rescue.

Lisa looked up, trying to see the man who had come to save her; her blurry vision made it impossible for her to see.

The man scrutinized them both, his confusion evident. He hesitated for a bit. And upon sensing it, Brenden smirked. “Common cousin, you look like you could use some fresh air,” he said, quite concerned.

He gently took Lisa's arm, guiding her away from the confused man. Lisa, too drunk to protest, allowed herself to be taken out of the club. He guarded her towards a sleek car parked across the street and helped her into the seat. Refusing to let go of her grip, Branden carefully loosened her grip against his shirt. She sat, smiling.

"Hmm, that fragrance you have on is so... good,” she utters, the scent of his cologne surprisingly calming.

With a mild grin, he turned to Lisa with a reassuring wink. "C'mon, you're in safe hands now."

A wave of nausea washed over her, and she leaned her head against the cool leather seat. Just then, a question popped up in her head. "Where are you taking me?" she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper.

Branden gave a quick glance at her “home," he simply replied.

The further they drove, the hunch grew stronger; this home this stranger was taking her wasn't Freya's house.

Branden couldn't help but stare at her pretty face, covered in her blonde hair, as the wind gently blew the hair all over her face. He took several quick glances at her face and her pretty succulent lips throughout the journey as she lay peacefully on the leather seat, enjoying the cool night breeze from their ride home.

He had been staring all the while when he was at the club, but then this was the closest he had seen, and it was a beautiful sight, far better than the distant view. His eyes were not deceiving him. Indeed, she was a beauty. He knew he had a woman in his life, but he could not resist this beauty.

As they finally approached Branden's house, upon detecting the vehicle's speed slowing, she opened her eyes, slightly gazed at the surroundings, and then shut them. Brande carries her on his shoulders all the way upstairs and carefully lays her on the bed.

Lisa fumbled drunkenly as Branden helped remove her soiled clothes. He tried his best to avert his eyes, but couldn't help but sneak glances at her exposed skin. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

Once he had her in one of his shirts, he prepared to tuck her into bed. Just as he was about to put her in bed, Lisa grabbed his arm and pulled him into a sloppy, desperate kiss. He froze, torn between desire and knowing this was wrong. But the alcohol clouded his judgment, and her soft lips on his felt electrifying. He leaned into her clumsy kiss, the taste of tequila lingering on her lips.

Their kiss deepened, causing a tangle of limbs and breathless moans. Their clothes were shed in a hurried rage, and their movements fueled by a potent mix of alcohol and unspoken desires. Succumbing to the allure of her beauty, he surrendered to his impulse. Their bodies entwined in a moment of intense pleasure.

The tenderness in Branden's touch had emanated into something more possessive. Just as they reached their climax, Lisa jolted out and vomited on the floor. Branden, being a gentleman, held back her hair as she spewed and then guided her to the bathroom to clean up.

Back in the bedroom, Branden wiped up the mess, his mind racing. What had he done? She was vulnerable, and this was taking advantage. Yet he couldn't deny the intense connection he felt.

Immediately, Branden's phone buzzed, with the caller ID showing Julia's name. His heart sank as he answered. Julia's panicked voice broke the silence. "Branden, it's Nessa... She's been in a car crash," she exclaimed, her voice trembling.

"Oh god, is she..." He couldn't bring himself to say it.

The call gets disconnected from Julia's end. Without hesitation, Branden hurriedly put on his clothes and dashed out the door, his thoughts consumed by worry for his girlfriend’s life.

Jim had just gotten back to his brother's place, like an hour ago, after a long flight. His excitement to see his brother was quite detectable. Hearing noises from his brother's room, he figured Branden was home. He headed towards Branden's room and pushed open the door.

"Hey bro, didn't know you were back home already.”

Without getting a response, Jim lingers in the room, admiring the new wall art his brother had adorned his room with.

Suddenly, the bathroom door screeched open, and Jim's jaw dropped in disbelief as a naked lady stumbled out, her movements unsteady and her gaze unfocused. Wide-eyed and speechless, he froze at the spot, unable to take his eyes off her exposed body.

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