
60... Engagement Party...


The engagement party is taking place at the backyard of the house which has been decorated to bring on the engagement vibes. Claire's eyes lit up at the designs of the party, admiring them.

The moment we stepped in, I noticed some guys ogling at her lustfully that it irritated me so much. I had to restrain the strong urge to stab my fingers into their eyes so they can stop staring, but there's a particular asshole I really wish to dip a fork into his fucking flirty eyes.

George fucking Blake.

The guy is a dick, and he really torques me off big time.

Claire had sighted him when we were talking with the engaged couple. She smiled at him from where she stood beside me causing me to tense. If the adorable smile had been for someone else like Dave, I might get a little bit pissed, but I wouldn't get too mad. A smile from my girlfriend to an asshole like George is a hell no for me.

His stride towards us was a confident one, with a lopsided smile on his face. He congratulated the
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