



Pathetic, sniveling wretch.

Any man who would gang up to beat a woman should not be allowed to live.

And he even has the audacity to come here.

To ask for her.

How dare he?

Who the hell does he think he is?

Just what kind of backing does he have that he thinks he can walk in and demand to see the woman he almost killed?

What kind of men do we even have in this world?

On and on, the thoughts circle in my head, urging me in and fueling me with rage until all I see is red.

My steps are purposeful as I head to the cells.

Just five minutes.

That is all I need.

Five minutes with him to see how he can hold up in front of a man.

When he has no one to back him up

No entourage to surround him.

Just five minutes is all I need for him to regret his birth.

I arrive at the cells only for Gaines to block my way.

“I am going in,” I tell him.

“No you are not.”

“You can't stop me.”

“Maybe, maybe not. If you get past me, you are just going to have to get past four others inside. Do you
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