
Chapter Five: The Kiss

“Oh hell no!”

Luna marched directly to Justin, who was standing beside a pla- no, not a plane, a jet. A private jet?! Woah.

But that thought didn’t deter Luna’s strides as she marched up to Justin. Following his announcement, Matt had driven her to the private hangar, Justin’s private hangar, where the plane that was supposed to take her to San Andreas, was.

Luna had only allowed Matt to take her there to confront Justin, nothing more. She stopped in front of him, her eyes narrowed as he turned away from the person he had been talking to, to look at her, all calm.

“Hello, Luna,” he said, still all calm.

“What the hell, Justin?” Luna demanded.

Justin shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“You know what I mean, don’t try and act dumb. What’s the meaning of you saying you’ll take me to San Andreas?”

“I believe that was me offering to help,” Justin replied, his tone perfectly reasonable and patronizing, like he was talking to a child.

Which just made Luna’s teeth set on edge the more. She balled her hand into fists at her sides, resisting the urge to wipe the smug look off of Justin’s face with a slap.

“How did you know I was in need of a plane? How did you know I was going to San Andreas? Are you spying on me?”

On the last question, Luna’s eyes narrowed as the thought sent a angry shiver through her.

“Now why would you assume that?” Justin asked, slipping his hands into his pockets and looking as relaxed as can be. Like they were discussing the weather as friends.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I know you?” Luna replied. “I was married to you for two years.”

Something deep suddenly darkened Justin’s eyes, erasing the light playfulness in them for a second.

“Good. I was starting to think you forgot about that,” he said, his tone serious.

The abrupt change in Justin’s mood faltered Luna’s stride for a while, but then she recovered. Her eyes flashed as she stepped to him.

“Oh, I didn’t forget, I never did, and that’s how I know spying on me is exactly something you can do,” she said.

The light look was back in Justin’s eyes.

“Well, now, see, I wouldn’t call it ‘spying’,” Justin said, “more like ‘monitoring my affairs’.”

Luna saw red. “ ‘Your’ affairs? I am not your affair,” she ground out through gritted teeth, her fingers were biting into her palms, “and you have no right to ‘monitor’ me.”

“You’re my ex-wife, and your company is involved in one of my projects,” Justin pointed out calmly. “Kind of sounds like you’re my business a little, don’t you think?”

“Ugh!” Luna wanted to scream, so she settled for growling. “You are just an arrogant, rude, self-righteous, conniving bastard!”

Lightning quick, the teasing light in Justin’s eyes died, his eyes darkened as he gripped Luna’s wrist in his hand and jerked her towards him. Their bodies bumped, and Luna felt a frisson run through her body at the contact. Also, panic.

“What are you doing?” Luna asked, her voice trembled. “Let go of me.”

She tried to twist her wrist out from Justin’s grip, but his hand were like a vise around her hand.

“I’m showing you what a bastard I am,” Justin growled.

His eyes trailed down to her lips, Luna watched as his eyes darkened even more, and the frisson ran through her body again, this time with more charge.

And then Justin’s lips crashed down on hers. Acting on her instinct for survival, Luna tried to struggle. She writhed and fought against Justin’s assault on her lips, but he didn’t even budge. In a far corner of her mind, Luna realized the man Justin had been talking to when she came into the hangar had long gone.

And then her mind went blank as the kiss pulled her under.

Million brilliant lights burst behind her eyes, the frisson shot up to her head and desire spread through her body. A low simmering heat pooled in her lower belly, and her entire center ached. It was like she was on fire, and the embers were licking at sensitive spots throughout her body, fanning the flames even hotter.

Justin’s mouth was hard on hers, also rough and demanding, and Luna strained against his body to meet his urgency with hers.

Justin’s hand went around the back of her head, pulling her even closer to him. And then, just as abruptly as it began, it ended.

Justin jerked his head away from Luna’s, the both of them breathed heavily. Their chests heaved with their heavy breaths. Luna covered her still trembling lips with her hand as the realization of what she just did, dawned on her.

She stared at Justin in horror.

“What did you just do?” she asked, glaring at him with accusing eyes.

Justin shook his head. “No, you do not get to do that,” he said. “You were right there with me. You do not get to deny it, you’re still trembling from my hands.”

And because Luna trembled again, even at his words, she knew it to be true. And a gratifying feeling passes through her at the slight breathlessness in Justin’s voice. She hadn’t been the only one feeling.

“Still,” she said, her racing heart slowly returning back to its normal pace, “you initiated it. You had no right.”

Justin shrugged and ran a hand through his thick wavy black hair.

“I am a bastard, you said so yourself,” he said.

Anger was starting to boil through Luna again.

“You had no right,” she said again.

“It felt like it,” he said, looking right into her eyes.

His eyes slowly trailed down her body, and the proprietory look sent another shiver down Luna’s spine. Why does just one look from the man affect her so? Luna thought to herself, frustrated.

Justin walked past her, stopping to whisper in her ear.

“This is not over.”

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