
Chapter Twenty-Three – The Night-Storm

A hour later, Luna walked out of her room and into the living room as she heard banging. Her brows furrowed as she stared at the front door, someone was pounding loudly at it from outside.

Where was Rahim? she wondered. Rahim was her head of security for her house, and anyone who ever wanted to gain access to her would always have to go through him. And anyone who wanted access this late rarely got through, except it was an emergency.

An emergency. Oh God, Luna thought instantly, an emergency, alarm filling her as her mind immediately went to her mother and sister. The thought propelled her to move towards the door, as she neared it, she heard voices. They were arguing, she realized as she got even closer, their voice were muted through the door but she could tell they were arguing.

Luna opened the door, and the alarm and fear that had been in her head did a rude three-sixty into shock as she saw who was standing there.


Rahim stood next to him, obviously trying to make
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