
Chapter Twenty-Five – The Quarterly

Luna walked into the boardroom, Jaden trailed in behind her. Most of her executives were already seated, some were chatting idly while some typed away on their laptops. They all turn to look at her as she walked in.

Greetings rang out as she made her way towards her chair at the head of the long conference table. Luna smiled and waved a little, Jaden started to pull out her chair but she stopped him.

“I can pull out my own chair, Jaden, but thanks,” she said. She gave him a smile as she turned to take her seat. She looked around the room at large. “Hmm, must have been some weekend, ya’ll out here looking fresher than me.”

Muted chuckles rang out amongst her employees, a handful of them smiling at her joke.

“Then our weekends are your regular days because-”

“Because I look good every day,” Luna helped the employee who had spoken, out, when she trailed off. She smiled at her. “Thank you, Janine.”

At Luna’s acknowledgement, Janine blushed and smiled. Janine Waters, financial exec
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