


Exams were coming up soon, and everyone was preparing intensely. I was no exception, studying really hard while trying my best to push any thoughts of Trent out of my mind.

Whenever I allowed myself to dwell on him, it only led to heartache and confusion. So for now, it was better to focus all my energy on academics instead.

I went over to my nightstand, intending to grab my calculus textbook for some last-minute review, but it was nowhere to be found. "Where did I put that stupid thing?" I muttered under my breath, rifling through the cluttered drawers.

There was going to be a surprise quiz from the teacher tomorrow on that very material. With a groan, I realized there were still several pages I needed to go over one last time.

That's when it hit me - I must have left the book at Ryan's place!

Ever since we'd patched things up and became friends again, I'd resumed going over to his house for private math tutoring sessions.

Don't get me wrong, there was nothing untoward
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