
Pleasured by my bully

Daisy's POV

I stared at the history teacher in the class and wished for the umpteenth time that she would just vanish from class so that I can go home already, it was the last class for the day and I can't wait for it to be over, unconsciously, my eyes traveled to the empty chair behind me, that's supposed to be Aires chair since he decided to join the history class but for some days, I haven't set my eyes on him, perhaps, he got ashamed by what he made me do the other day and couldn't bear to face me, I smirked at myself, as if... although, I wonder if he's okay, my stomach grumbled again reminding me that I haven't eat all day and the history teacher was still in class, I yawned as I struggled to stay awake, my stomach grumbled again just as the teacher prepared to leave, thanks to Celine's revenge on me this morning, I wasn't able to eat either breakfast or lunch because she made sure of that, and now, I quickly want to get home and find something to eat before she gets back from s
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