
3. First Love


I looked at the reflection before me in the mirror. I was wearing a black off-shoulder high-low evening gown. I have coated my lips with a bright red matt lipstick. And my smoky eyes were giving a killer look. I was satisfied with my look but still, I applied a second coat of red lipstick for extra confidence before I exited my room. 

I found Aveline waiting for me in the living room but she was smiling ear to ear while chatting on her phone. From the look on her face, I'm damn sure it's Jared. My lips curved up in a smirk and I walked down to the living room.

“Sorry for making you wait, Avi." She looked up from her phone and gasped in shock.

“Whoa! You look different today." She said cheerfully but suddenly she squinted her eyes at me.

“But why did you change your dress?" She sounded curious while she was looking at me from head to toe.

“I just like this dress that's why I wear it." I gave her my best smile and she also smiled at me.

“It's okay. You look good in this too. Let's go now. I don't want to be late to the party." We walked out and got into my red Lamborghini. I was driving the car and Aveline was sitting in the passenger seat still busy on her phone.

“Are you seeing someone?" I asked her while driving the car. She snapped her head at me with a shocked expression. She didn't expect me to catch her.

“No, it's a friend of mine from college. That's it. I'm not seeing anyone." She threw a white lie right on my face with her best smile and I held back the smile on my face.

“I will also see how long you can hide your relationship with my mate. It will be fun to watch your face when I will expose both of you. Last time you both tormented me a lot in the name of fake love. This time I will make your life hell. Just wait and see.” I thought in my mind and stole a last glance at my sister.

I parked the car in the parking area and got out of the car to go inside the banquet. We both made our entry through the entrance and every gaze was on us. I walked inside gracefully with my chin high. People gasped seeing me.

“You are getting more attention than me.” I could sense the jealousy in her voice. She was pissed to know that people were giving me more attention than her. And she always hates it when she gets less attention anywhere.

“Lais, I need to use the washroom. I'm pretty nervous. I'll be right back. Enjoy the party.” Saying that Aveline flew from there in the blink of an eye. Her sudden departure made me suspicious of her so I decided to follow her. To my surprise she didn't go to the washroom, instead she left the hall through the backdoor.

I followed her quietly and reached the backyard where I found her lunging into a man's arms. I got a clear view of the face when she hugged him. It was Jared.

I was head over heels for him at that time and would always roam around him like a bee around the Honeycomb. When he was drowned in love with my little sister. How foolish I was back then not to notice anything between them.

I was hiding in a corner so that they didn't notice me.

“I missed you.” I closed my eyes when Jared pulled Aveline into a passionate kiss. Because my heart was aching seeing them together so close. They were not just kissing, they were making out. 

I pulled myself together and opened my eyes to shoot their passionate moment as evidence of their relationship. It’s needed to get rid of that asshole. I know what a jerk he is. He will not let go of me easily. So I have to be careful.

“I missed you too, baby.” They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes intensely.

“I'm so sad to know that I'm not your mate, Jared. What will we do now?" She made a crying face and Jared cupped her face tenderly.

"Don't worry, I will reject my mate and choose you as my chosen mate. Are you happy now?” Aveline's face lit up hearing him while I got confused. 

Is he really going to reject me? 

Nothing like this happened in my previous life. Is there any possibility that fate has changed? No matter what, I will not accept him as my mate today.

“Really!" Aveline exclaimed excitedly while beaming with delight and Jared nodded his head while peaking her lips once more.

“I love you, baby.” Aveline hugged him.

"I love you too.” That's it. It will be enough to expose both of you. How much you are in love with each other. Then I can get rid of you Jared." I thought in my mind and when I looked at their way again, they were already gone.

When did they go? 

How come I didn't realize?


As soon as I turned around to leave the place, I froze. My breath caught in my throat. Because Jared was standing just an inch away from me. We were so close that my heart stopped beating for a while. I was melting under his intense gaze. 

This was the moment people always tell you about. The perfect moment when you met your mate and everything stopped around you. Your heart would beat with the rhythm of his. You will feel such a pull into your core that you can’t help and submit to him.

“Beautiful," Jared mumbled looking mesmerized.

‘Why is he acting differently this time? He had never looked at me this way. But what changed this time? No, I can't be tempted by him. I know where this road leads; it will only hurt me in the end. 

A gasp left my mouth at his sudden action when he pulled me close to him by slipping his hand around my waist. 

“Mate." He claimed me dominatingly.

 My body became tense as Jared buried his head in the crook of my neck inhaling deeply my scent like I was a drug to him.

I pushed him with all my strength when I felt his teeth grazing my skin on the place where my neck met the shoulder. The same place he marked me in my previous life.

Jared stabled himself from falling and looked at me with utter disbelief. Fury was dancing in his eyes. “How dare you push me?" His dangerous loud roar shook me to the core. But still, I was looking into his eyes boldly.

Everyone gathered near the backyard to witness the drama, hearing Jared's loud roar. “I, Lais Volkova, reject you, Jared Winter, the future Alpha of the Midnight Pack, as my mate.”

Jared let out a painful groan clutching his heart as he felt the bond severing as I was feeling. It hurt like hell but still, I didn't let the pain obvious on my face and stayed calm. 

Jared's eyebrows wrinkled as he looked at me with a question-filled look. “Why?” He asked with a growl, baring his teeth. I could sense the anger radiating from him. I felt a satisfaction in my heart seeing him like that.

It was an insult for him to be rejected by a mere person when he was the future Alpha. I exactly wanted him to feel this way because in the past he had humiliated me many times before the pack members while I was the Luna of the pack. He was a toxic person. Who doesn't want to let you go and can't treat you right either?

Jared moved towards me and grabbed me by my arms, almost digging his nails into my flesh. “Why did you do that? How dare you sever a sacred bond?” Jared demanded, shaking me. His eyes were blazing with fury. 

I took a deep breath and roamed my gaze looking for my little sister. When my gaze landed on her a sly smile appeared on my face, I didn't wait and sent their intimate video on everyone’s phone making it go viral.

I leaned on his ear and whispered, “Because I don't want to be with someone who is in love with someone else. Yes, I know about your relationship with my sister. It's better to part away instead of being in a fake relationship.” I pulled away and saw his horrified face. He didn't expect me to catch them.

Everyone around us started gossiping about them. His friend showed him the video and he looked at me with a killer look for ruining his image like this. I knew he was mad at me.

“Accept the rejection and we can both go on our ways.” I gave him a tight lip smile. He looked for Aveline who left long ago to save her face.

Jared looked at me with his murderous look while fuming in rage. “Fine, I accept your rejection, Lais Volkova.” My hand flew to my chest as I felt my heart ripping apart.

“Lais Volkova, you are banished from this pack. How dare you reject my son. Now you will live as a rogue.” I hang my head low before the Alpha.

My Mom came running to me. “I will send you to your Aunt's pack. You will be safe there. Your father is waiting for you with your car near the car.” I hugged my Mom and got out of there to my car.

Dad hugged me before I got into the car. “Call me after reaching there safely.” I nodded and started my car. I was far from my pack when suddenly I spotted a guy dragging a girl with him to his car while she was struggling. I didn't wait a moment and got out of my car and gave him my hard kick, sending him too far.

He was a human so he got knocked off with one kick. I held the girl in my arms and asked her about her address and she handed me her phone to call her brother. I didn't waste a moment and called him immediately.

I took her to my car to wait for her brother. After a while, I saw a black Rolls-Royce pull in front of my car. My breath hitched when I saw a breathtakingly handsome man coming out of the car. When I got a clear view of his face I felt my heart stop as my childhood crush was standing before me.

Gosh!!! It's not a dream, right?

That girl opened the door and ran to her brother. I also came out of the car to meet him. I could not believe my eyes. When his eyes met mine my heart skipped a beat.

“Thank you for saving my sister. I'm Sebastian Russo.” He stretched out his hand for a handshake and I kept staring into his eyes like a fool.

“Do we know each other?” He asked. Who doesn't know you? You are the king of millions of girl's hearts. And my first love. How can I not know you? I'm grateful to the Moon Goddess for letting me meet you. 

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