
4. Sebastian Russo


A man walked out of the Car. My heart skipped a beat, seeing the handsome man walking towards me, looking absolutely deadly. His chest heaved up and down, the evidence that he had been in such a hurry. His jaw clenched, which showed how much he's unhappy about the situation. But the lines of worry were vividly visible on his forehead. And fear in his ocean-blue eyes behind the glasses.

My breath caught in my throat because his features were absolutely familiar. Tall, thick dark chocolate hair brushed his forehead, Olive skin, Chiselled cheekbones sloped down to a square jaw, and sculpted lips, while deep ocean blue eyes glinted behind glasses that only heightened his appeal.

Is it really him? 

He has changed a lot. It's obvious, It's been four years since I last saw him. 

He's Sebastian Russo.

CEO of the Russo Group. The second powerful family of Rome. He was thirty years old. Alpha of the Crimson Shadow Pack. 

The girl ran into her brother's arms and hugged him tightly. She was sobbing and crying in his arms. He wrapped his arms around her frame and held her in his protective shield. “Don't worry, I'm here. Please don't do this again. This time I'm forgiving you. But it's the last time." She pulled away from him and nodded her head cutely.

“Go and wait for me in the car." She nodded and ran to the car. Then he looked up at me and our gaze met. I felt my heart stop beating for a while. I clutched the side of my dress as he approached me. 

I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

The moment he stopped before me, I was stunned. “Thanks for saving my sister from that asshole. Sebastian Russo, it's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand. 

I looked at his hand and then back at him. A beat passed before I took it. Warm strength engulfed my palm and sent a jolt of electricity up my arm. I was sure he felt the same from the shock on his face. But he quickly composed himself.

“Lais Volkova. The  pleasure is all mine.” I gave him my best smile.

“You are a rogue?" Sebastian slid his palm out of mine and squinted his eyes at me.

I looked down and sighed heavily. “Yes, you are right, Alpha Sebastian. I have just rejected my mate whom I caught with my little sister in an intimate position. His father banished me from his pack. I'm going to my Aunt's pack. Silver Moon Pack. She will take me in.” I said politely and looked up to see his expression.

It was hard to tell what was going on in his mind from the look on his face. His gaze found mine again. “It's far away and it's already quite late, why don't you go to my pack and stay the night there? You can leave in the morning.” I was taken aback by his sudden proposal.

I didn't expect that from him. I was jumping from inside with delight. “I would love to go to your pack. Even a moment with you is special for me. You have no idea how crazy I am for you. You are the first crush of my life. I wish I was your Mate." I thought in my mind. 

Wait, hasn't his mate left him? Do I have a chance then?

“Miss, Volkova." His voice brought me back from the chain of my thoughts. And I looked up at him.

“If you feel uncomfor……”

"Thank you so much for the offer, Mr. Russo. I don't think I can drive with my current mind.” I didn't let him finish and interrupted him in between and he nodded his head with a small smile. 

"I can understand your situation. That's why I wanted you to come with us. Don't worry about your car. I will send someone to pick it up." I nodded at him.

“Come." He motioned his hand for me to go ahead. When I reached the car I was confused about which seat to take. His sister was sitting in the backseat. He will also settle there with his sister. Then I think I should take the passenger seat. Before I could open the passenger seat door. Sebastian opened the backdoor for me.

“There is plenty of space here. We can settle here comfortably.” Sebastian said and I noticed he was right. His sister was sitting in the middle while we both settled beside her. When Sebastian sat beside her she hugged him and fell asleep because of tiredness. 

It was pure silence in the car other than the engine's sound. But there was a storm going on in my heart. It was thumping loudly inside my rib cage. He was looking down at his sister while I was busy stealing glances at him whenever I got the chance.

My crush was handsomely sitting beside me and I could not look at him properly. It was a rare chance for me to have a close look at him. Because of the Pack issues we never visited his pack. I don't know why but Midnight Pack and Crismon Shadow Pack are sworn enemies. I don't care about it now. Because I no longer belong to Midnight Pack now.

Why did we meet like this? Does Fate plan something for me? We never met in my previous life. But after leaving my pack I just ran into him. It can't be a coincidence.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realize when we reached the Packhouse. I watched as Sebastian lifted his sister in his arms.


I wish I was in his arms like this.

With dreamy eyes, I got out of the car and followed him. My eyes go wide seeing the beautiful interior. My gaze was roaming around the whole house. It would be wrong if I said it was a house because it was a palace. I could not take my eyes off it. Every corner of the house was screaming luxury.

“Tina, please lead Miss Volkova to the guest room. She will stay the night here." He instructed someone and she bowed her head before him.

"Yes, Alpha."

“Please, feel at home, Miss Volkova. And let her know if you need something." I gave him my genuine smile and he moved upstairs.

“Please, follow me, Miss.” I followed the maid and she took me into a room.

"I will get you something comfortable to change into.” I nodded at her and she walked away.

Closing the door I walked near the bed and fell on it. "It was a tiring day. So many things happened in just one day. I got a new life, then the mating banquet then the rejection then got banished from the pack. The best thing that happened to me today was meeting Sebastian again. I never thought I would be able to meet him again after that night when he met his mate. I was sad for him when I heard his mate left him for someone else. How can someone leave such a person? If I were her, I would never leave him. I wish he was my mate.”

I heard a knock on my door, so I responded without getting up, “Please come in."

I heard the door open. “Miss Volkova.” I got up with a jerk when Sebastian's voice fell on my ear.

“I hope I didn't disturb you.” He sounded unsure. He was still standing near the doorstep. And I quickly shook my head.

“Of course not. It's your house after all. Please come in." I said quickly before he could say something.

My pulse quickened and my breath became uneven because of his presence in the room. I could feel the temperature of the room increase as I was feeling all hot and nervous.

“Do we know each other? You seemed familiar to me." I was stunned by his words. It would be shocking if he knew me. Because we have never met personally. I know him but he doesn't know me. Then why did he say that I looked familiar to him?

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