
CHAPTER-66 All think Aurora is a disaster

"I'm sorry, Ella." They both mumbled in union with grief and guilt.

One was apologizing cause he wasn't able to protect his little sister. He was not with her when his sister needed him the most. He didn't heed any attention when she was going through nightmares. He's a useless brother. Raphael punched the nearby wall in anger, while tears were streaming down his face.

And the other one was cursing herself as a jinx. She could have saved her but she didn't. At first, she harmed Levi and Stella, and now because of her negligence, Ella lost her life.

Kiara reached Raphael's house and gasped seeing Ella's hanging body. She placed her hand on Raphael's shoulder to give him some support. Suddenly one thing clicked in his brain and he snapped at Aurora.

"Why were you apologizing to Ella?" Raphael asked her which caught her off guard. She swallowed hard in fear. How could she explain this to him?

"Tell me Aurora. Why were you apologizing to Ella?" This time he said loudly, making Aurora and
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