
Chapter Thirty Eight

Amanda forgot all her sorrows and wouldn't want Elvis to leave her. She was so happy that Elvis is going to her baby's daddy and not only that, but he will also be a great lover. He has shown her what love really is and she felt that she won't even survive it if Elvis cheats on her. They made love about twice.

After that Elvis stared directly in her eyes. Amanda could notice something different from the Elvis she has known. Amanda saw fear in him. Elvis sat up on the bed and Amanda did the same. Elvis held her two hands, while shutting his eyes he said, " Amanda, I am sorry."

Amanda was confused. She didn't know why he was apologising few  minutes after making love to her. Could it be that he wants to leave her?Could it be that he is leaving because she told him that she is pregnant. He was happy few minutes ago about the pregnancy. What could really be the problem?

She couldn't take it anymore, she asked, " why are you apologising? Are you going to leave me

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