
Chapter 28: It begins

The stampede of demonic creatures alerted the residence to come out of their houses and observe what was going on, the eastern side of the capital was invaded by Hades and his army, they all charged towards the gates leading to the capital at full speeds.

“Men! Today, we bring a revolution to the underworld!!” Hades declared atop of his pet as it continued to gallop through the mash planes at full throttle, a chorus of yes sirs followed after his declaration and the battalion embraced themselves for the upcoming collision they were bound to have with the opposing forces, it was ironic how those who were once comrades in arms turned to nothing but strangers seeking to end one another.

“Halt,” Hades said raising his hand and putting a stop to the battalion behind him, His eyes glowed and gave him x-ray vision to make out what was happening on the other side, he got off his pet and pointed at the wall.

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