


It's been a month since I was kidnapped by that crazy-as-hell woman. Her boyfriend, Dean, clearly didn't realise how lucky he was to have her.

Sure, she is wild and a little bit crazy, but some of the best women are. They are the ones who keep you breathing when you die, just to watch them for longer.

I made a promise to her, and I plan to keep it. I've ensured my guys have watched her from a safe distance. I know her entire routine, and I plan to correct it.

She does the same thing, every day at the same goddamn time. It makes kidnapping her easier. I was hoping for a challenge, but maybe that can happen next time.

I smirk as I consider it. She needs to change her routine, it's crazy how little changes, I know where she is right now. Visiting her favourite little bakers.

I know what she will be ordering, as she orders the same thing every time. She's predictable, which doesn't match the wild woman I met that day.

She seemed like chaos and destruction combined. She reminded me of Eris, the Goddess of Chaos, but then her routine floored me. There's no chaos in that.

"She's gone another way today," Evan looks at me.

"Really?" I ask. After a month of following her, today is the only day she has strayed from her routine, and now I am curious. "Keep following; I want to find out what changed her routine," I say, and he nods.

I stay relaxed, waiting for an update on where she is going. Usually, after the bakers, she calls into the gym. It's ironic that she goes to the bakers and gets a cream doughnut and chocolate eclair just to go to the gym afterwards.

That is something I enjoyed, watching her from a distance as she worked out. Her body looked amazing. I groan, and Evan looks at me.

"I just realised I became a fucking stalker," I explain, and he laughs. I did. I am stalking Demi, every day I watch her which is fucked up but I can't stop. I tried today and became restless.

Sure, my guys were following her, but there's no need for me to, although I do. This now officially makes me a stalker—just hers. I don't do it with others and never had the urge to until now.

"You're lucky she hasn't spotted you. Sometimes you get close," Evan mutters, and I nod in agreement. She nearly caught me last night, and I'm glad her apartment is on the ground floor.

I had been watching her from across the street, but she was too deep in the apartment, so I moved closer. As I got closer, I noticed she was naked. Something she needs to be warned about. Anyone could have been watching her.

Sure, I was, but that's different. At least, in my mind, it is.

"She's talking to some guy," Evan mutters, and I nod.

"Which guy?" I ask.

"She's outside his house. I assume it's his house. He seems highly amused, but she looks angry as hell." Evan explains from the front, where he is watching her. "Ouch, fuck me, she has a swing on her," Evan laughs.

"What happened?" I ask, trying not to watch.

"Whoever the guy was kept laughing, which made her angrier, and she punched him before swinging her knee up. I'm not sure if he will still be able to have kids. He's currently curled up in a ball as she walks away," he laughs, and I nod.

God, she's amazing.

"Maybe arrange a date to kidnap her, then you don't have to continue stalking her?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"No, I don't want to plan it. I'll just take her when the feeling is right," I reply, and he nods, not arguing with me.

"Mr Oswold is going to be arriving soon," Evan explains, and I sigh.

"Rearrange it for tomorrow," I'm busy tonight.

"You've rearranged it every day for the past week, Boss. I'm running out of reasons to give him." Evan explains.

I know he's right. "Fine, we will go then," I mutter unhappily, as it means I will miss her nightly routine, which I have begun to love watching.

"I feel like one of those sick, twisted perverts that stalk their prey," I explain.

"Because you are stalking her boss. The difference is, if she said no and told you to stop, you would." He laughs, and I nod. Although, I'm not sure I would. I'm not sure how it will go if I kidnap her and she tells me to take her back and leave her alone.

I may just really kidnap her then. Okay, no more! I sit up and look at Evan. "Drive, make sure someone is following her, but let's leave before I change my mind and watch her sleep again."

He laughs and nods. "Sure thing Boss," he turns the car and begins to head for where I am meeting Mr Oswold, ten minutes later I am sitting with him. His proposal is in front of me, and I am trying to listen and pay attention, but I can't.

My eyes go to the clock, and then I remind myself of what she is likely doing right now. She would be picking out her outfit for tomorrow right now.

Something she spends a good half an hour doing. I'm obsessed, and that isn't a good thing. Actually, it's a bad thing for me.

"So what do you think?" He looks at me and waits.

"Can we discuss this in a few days?" I ask.

"You keep delaying it. Is there an issue?" He asks, and my head shakes.

"No issue. My mind is focused on something else right now. I have something I need to do tonight so I can stop obsessing. Say Tuesday? So, in three days?" I ask.

"I wouldn't argue with you, Demitri. I like to be able to breathe. I will see you on Tuesday," he says, and I nod. I watch him walk away and turn to Evan.

"Get the cars ready. I'm going to get her," I stand and throw money on the table, and he laughs.

"Seems like a wise choice, boss. At least this way, you get it all out of your system so you can concentrate more going forward. I will ensure they are aware not to harm her." He explains, and I nod.

"If she has so much as a scratch, they are all dead. Make them aware of that," I say as I get in the car. I wait and soon find myself outside her apartment. I shouldn't go in, but I want to.

I watch as they move through the building and into her apartment, and I follow at a distance. Leaning against the wall, I watch as they sneak up to her. That's something else I will be telling her off for. Headphones, she can't even hear them coming up behind her.

She jumps when they grab her, and I watch as she fights them. God, she can fight. She's good. Two of my men are on the floor groaning by the time they have got her tied up and the bag over her head.

"You assholes, wait till I get free. I am going to cut you open," she thrashes and kicks her legs forward, catching another one of my soldiers, and I hold in the laugh as he falls to the floor.

Fuck, I could do this every week. Daily even. I watch as they drag her out and put her in the back of the car. They hold her, and I sit watching.

"Who the fuck are you? Stupid assholes, untie me or what? Are you scared I will kick your ass?" She swings her legs up, and I grab them just as they reach me.

My hand stays wrapped around her ankles. God, she is amazing. Now, I just need to hope that when I get her in that room, she agrees to play along. I've thought of nothing but her since that night. The car stops, and I watch as they pull her out and guide her into my room.

They walk out and I push her onto the bed, rolling her onto her stomach, my hand strokes down her back. She thrashes and calls me some unsavoury names, which I fucking love.

"You said next time I kidnap you, well, here I am. Kidnapping you." I say as I lean over her. I watch as her body stills. "The question Demi, is, do you want me to continue and fuck you? Or would you rather I unfastened you and got my men to take you back to your apartment?" I ask and wait.

She doesn't reply, and I sigh. "I need a yes or no, Demi. Do I fuck you?" I ask again.

"Yes!" She shouts, and I smirk.

"Good, I've been thinking of this all week," I mutter and pull, ripping the dress from her body. She moves, and I unfasten her arms before tying them to the bed.

There's no going back now. I accept that.

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