Accidentally Kidnapping The Don

Accidentally Kidnapping The Don

By:  Billiejo Priestley  Updated just now
Language: English
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Imagine you planned to have your boyfriend kidnapped, delivered to your blindfolded and gagged. You fuck him, and pull the hood off after, only to be face to face with a stranger. That stranger, you quickly lean, is the Don of the Cosa Nostra. He's all too pleased to have taken part in your kidnap fantasy.

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46 Chapters
DemiI pace the room and wait. Everything is set up. Everything is going to be perfect. I know to others, this will look like a crazy thing to do. It's not, though; if anything, it's hot. Maybe a little crazy. Who am trying to kid? It is crazy.Yasmine laughs while looking at me like I'm a fool. "This is crazy. I can't believe you're going to do it," she says, and I smile. I am, and I will enjoy every second of it. Actually, I'm sure both me and Dean will enjoy every second of it."He will love it! Especially after the meeting, it gives him something fun," I explain and wait for the call. I know it was a long meeting. He had already warned me he would be busy for hours. This is just something fun to help him unwind and enjoy himself."Ryan knows what he is doing, right?" She asks, and I nod. It's not that hard to kidnap someone. You grab them, throw a bag over their head, and are done. At least they make it look that easy in the movies, it actually might not be. Who knows?"Yeah, I've
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DemitriI stay sitting on the chair and can't stop smiling at her. She's wild and feisty. Which I fucking love in my women, but this one? She likes the risk. That is obvious because here I am, tied to a chair in her apartment.She fucked me without checking I was the right guy first, and I remember her words. Next time, I kidnap her. I will. She can count on that for sure. That's my mission going forward: find out who she is. What she does in life, where she goes and who she is close to. I want to know every secret she has.Then, I will kidnap her back and fuck her.If she survives, the longer I don't reach out, the more chance there is she will have a team of men swarming this place and breaking down the door with guns. Then she will be dead, as they won't ask. They will just shoot. Which I guess is my fault. I trained them to do that if I was ever taken.She's freaking out, though. My eyes look across her. Her black hair flows down her back, and her eyes are mesmerising and green. I
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DemiI don't move as this Demitri guy walks out looking far too happy that I fucked up. I'm happy I did, in some senses, but not in other ways. I mean, I know now I have to face Dean. He's going to be pissed I slept with a random guy. In my defence, it would have been him if he hadn't lied about where he was."I can't believe you fucked Demitri. The guy who kills without mercy and has a name for himself," Yas mutters. Her eyes stayed on me like she is still trying to work things out in her mind. It's not that hard.I was meant to kidnap my boyfriend and fuck him, and instead, I somehow kidnapped and fucked the Don of the mafia. I'm lucky to be alive right now."He's the Don, of course, he fucking kills people. What is he meant to tickle people as torture?" Ryan mutters and looks at Dean. "Are you gonna calm the hell down before you get your head blown off? That wasn't just some random guy," Ryan says."Fuck that. How could you act like this when you lied to me, Dean? If you hadn't lie
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Demitri It's been a month since I was kidnapped by that crazy-as-hell woman. Her boyfriend, Dean, clearly didn't realise how lucky he was to have her.Sure, she is wild and a little bit crazy, but some of the best women are. They are the ones who keep you breathing when you die, just to watch them for longer.I made a promise to her, and I plan to keep it. I've ensured my guys have watched her from a safe distance. I know her entire routine, and I plan to correct it.She does the same thing, every day at the same goddamn time. It makes kidnapping her easier. I was hoping for a challenge, but maybe that can happen next time.I smirk as I consider it. She needs to change her routine, it's crazy how little changes, I know where she is right now. Visiting her favourite little bakers.I know what she will be ordering, as she orders the same thing every time. She's predictable, which doesn't match the wild woman I met that day.She seemed like chaos and destruction combined. She reminded m
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DemiToday started well, got bad, and then went good again.The call from Yas is what turned it bad. Jastin had been cheating on her. He told her, then ran on a holiday. He had the audacity to blame her for him having an STI. She was clean, but he ran and took a holiday for the week.He got back today with his new girlfriend, so I paid him a visit and got revenge for Yas. He was curled into a ball crying when I left. He deserved it, not only for cheating for three years but for blaming her for him being dirty.Sitting on the the bed, I try to pick which shoes to wear. I told Yas we would go out tonight, it's more of a way to cheer her up however. The dress is perfect, but I'm stuck on the shoes I should wear.Deciding on simple black ones, I reach for them and feel someone's hand wrap around my mouth, followed by hands grabbing mine. Moving, I swing my head back and hear him groan.I watch my headphones fall to the floor and smash."You fucking asshole!" I swing my elbow and hit anoth
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DemitriI roll off her and can't help but smile. I'm not sure why it took a month for me to kidnap her back, maybe because she would have been expecting it, and where's the fun in that?Turning, I look at her and see her asleep. Maybe I shouldn't have fucked her for so long. In my defence, for a month I've watched her and planned it.I remembered that day she kidnapped me, over and over. There was no way I was going to make this something quick. She's not about to wake, though, and I also didn't consider the fact I ripped her dress.Getting myself dressed I walk out of the room and downstairs. Stopping, I look at my brother."Since when did you begin kidnapping women?" He asks with a smirk."I made an exception for this one. How did it go?" I ask as I take a seat with him."Think we have enough answers as it is. He's still alive if you want to try to get more from him. It appears like he has no idea about the whole, setting fire to the warehouse.""Yeah, right." I don't believe he did
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His Plan
DemiI wake up and quickly tell myself off for falling asleep. I should have left straight away, not fell asleep in his bed. Sliding from the bed, I glance around and see my dress on the floor.Grasping it, I sigh, seeing it ripped. Opening the door, I peer out and go to shout him, but I can't even remember his name! This is awful. Walking back into the room, I open a door and see clothes.Grasping a shirt, I put it on. As I walk out, I fasten the buttons and make my way through the hall. I'm not even sure where the hell I'm going.It's too big, and this hall leads into two. Picking one, I walk down it and see the stairs. Finally! Walking down the stairs, I reach the bottom and glance around.This is the wrong way. This is a gym, but I need to be on this floor, so I decide to walk through the gym and out of another door. Five minutes later, I'm still unwilling to accept that I'm lost.Despite this being the second time I've walked through what looks like a library."Downstairs is sepa
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His Warnings
DemiI stare at him, shocked that he so openly admitted that he stalked me. Like it is a normal thing to do. Still, I'm curious."How long did you spend watching me during the day?" I ask.He sits back and gets comfy."Mondays. You get up at six-thirty, shower until seven, and do your hair and such until seven-thirty. You make breakfast at this point; on Mondays, you typically have yoghurt and fruit. After eating, you leave and walk down to Sycamore Road, where you work at the estate agents' office. Twelve thirty, you leave, and go to the bakers, there on a Monday you get egg and bacon sandwich before walking back to work. You finish work at four thirty, go to the bakers and get a doughnut and a chocolate eclair. Which you eat on the way to the gym." My eyes widen at his words, and he continues."You spend ten minutes on the rowing machine in the gym, another ten minutes on the bike, and then you do approximately fifteen reps on the leg press, another fifteen on the leg extension mach
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Our Plan
DemitriI wonder what she will want if she wins. I hope she does. I only said that about keeping her to spur her on and make her work harder to do this.Last night was strange. After I dealt with my little friend for his part in my warehouse, I went to bed. I slept in the same bed as her and everything.Part of me feels she is right, and we should just end this here. While it worked and went well, I mean, I was meant to be at a meeting ages ago, but I haven't moved as she is here. I don't want to either. She fascinates me.She gawped at me like she was shocked that I would kill her ex, yet...she quickly shrugged it off like she didn't care that I said I was going to kill him.Most would have freaked out and run, but not her. Why? She appears immune or at least uncaring by what I said I would do. I'm debating if that is down to the fact she thinks I am joking or not.I wasn't, I don't think anyway. Okay, she needs to leave."We will take you home, considering you don't have clothes," I
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My Plan
DemiI remembered something at the last minute and asked to change the rules. I quite like the idea of hunting each other. What Demitri doesn't know is that I won't be here. He wanted it to be a challenge and I made it one.I'm going home for a month—to my childhood home. My parents are on a cruise, and I promised to watch over the house and the dog for them. It's the advantage I need.I don't need to return for work either, as they have local offices, and I will be doing my work from there instead. I will still come back here, but only a few times a week.Mondays I will be, as that is the day I know where Demitri will be. I have a feeling he will go to either my work or the gym and follow me from there when it comes to taking me.Only I don't plan to go to either. He wanted a challenge, and he has one. I laugh at the thought as I walk to the window. I stop and look out and see him standing beside the car.His eyes are fixed on the window, and he waves. So apparently, he can see? I wa
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