


Today started well, got bad, and then went good again.

The call from Yas is what turned it bad. Jastin had been cheating on her. He told her, then ran on a holiday. He had the audacity to blame her for him having an STI. She was clean, but he ran and took a holiday for the week.

He got back today with his new girlfriend, so I paid him a visit and got revenge for Yas. He was curled into a ball crying when I left. He deserved it, not only for cheating for three years but for blaming her for him being dirty.

Sitting on the the bed, I try to pick which shoes to wear. I told Yas we would go out tonight, it's more of a way to cheer her up however. The dress is perfect, but I'm stuck on the shoes I should wear.

Deciding on simple black ones, I reach for them and feel someone's hand wrap around my mouth, followed by hands grabbing mine. Moving, I swing my head back and hear him groan.

I watch my headphones fall to the floor and smash.

"You fucking asshole!" I swing my elbow and hit another guy, then just keep lashing out. Everything goes dark as the bag is placed over my head.

My arms pull against the rope, but it does nothing. I feel them dragging me up, so I swing my legs forward and laugh when I hear a guy grunt. I've got another one.

I'm pushed into a car and try to calm my breathing. They broke my headphones!

“Who the fuck are you? Stupid assholes, untie me or what? Are you scared I will kick your ass?” My legs swing up, and a hand catches me by the ankles. Fingers stroke along it, and I fight against his hold.

I do all I can, swear, call them names and threaten them—promising that I will hunt them down. I'm dragged out and fight against the grasp and feel myself thrown down onto something. A bed?

My body is thrown over, until I'm laid on my stomach.

“You said next time I kidnap you, well, here I am. Kidnapping you.” The voice comes as he leans over me, my body stills. Shit. I forgot about him. “The question Demi, is, do you want me to continue and fuck you? Or would you rather I unfastened you and got my men to take you back to your apartment?”

I let the words float around in my head. He actually kidnapped me back just to fuck me and because I said he had to. I should have realised. How the hell did I not remember he promised to kidnap me? Do I want him to fuck me?

“I need a yes or no, Demi. Do I fuck you?”

I can't refuse. “Yes!” I shout and hear his slight chuckle.

“Good, I’ve been thinking of this all week,” his words end, and I feel the dress tear from my body. Oh god, I didn't have underwear on. I go to move, and he unfastens my arms from my waist, pulling them up, I feel them tie to the bed post.

Am I really doing this? This is a guy who runs the mafia. He grabs my hips and pulls me up slightly so I'm kneeling in front of him.

He's the Don. He kills people, and I am messed up for wanting to do this. I don't belong in this life, not even as a fun kidnapped scenario.

I moan, and all thoughts disappear as he grasps my hips and his tongue strokes along my sex, twirling around my nub before making its way back down again.

Moans build within in me, as he keeps going. "This isn't fucking me," I whimper. I was ready for sex, just sex, not this.

"Depends how you see it, Doll. To me, I'm fucking you with my tongue. I won't rush this, so be a good girl and enjoy it." My body falls forward as his fingers push into me, stroking along the walls of my sex.

My moans get louder, and I find myself rocking back against him. His other hand moves and pulls the hood off my head. The large wooden and metal bed is the first thing I see. Followed by the rope wrapped around my wrists keeping them tied to the bed.

His hand strokes up my body and wraps around my neck before pulling me closer to his mouth. I cry out, grasping onto the rope as the orgasm burns through me. His mouth slows and releases me.

He moves back, and I turn my head to see him. I look across his body, seeing him naked. Tattoos cover his arms, chest and legs, and I swear I want to lick every line of his abs.

My eyes fall to his cock, and I gasp. How the hell did I not notice? He's bigger than Dean, but I didn't realise, maybe I was just too high on adrenaline to notice?

I watch him move and kneel behind me, his hands stroking along my back before grasping my ass. My body pushes back towards him, and I feel his length slide inside of me.

His head falls back and he groans. "Fuck, I regret waiting now," he groans, and his hands tighten on me. My hips move and grind against him. He curses and looks down, watching as I move against him.

"No!" His hands grasp my tighter to stop me moving. "I'm meant to fucking you this time, next time you can fuck me." He slams his hips forward, and I muffle myself on his pillow as keeps going. He keeps going, until I'm drowning in the orgasm.

Stopping, he grabs my body and flips me over. Settling, between my legs, he thrusts into me again. His hand wraps around my throat, as his body leans over mine. With my body hidden beneath his, he thrusts, and I cry out. He doesn't go slow, or gently.

He fucks me like he's been waiting a lifetime, each orgasm is stronger than the last. I've lost all sense of time, but I don't care. I keep pushing myself closer to him until he's groaning, and grinding against me

Our bodies are stuck together. Sweat rolls down us and I honestly can't feel my body anymore. It's like all the sensation I should have has got up and ran away.

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