
Chapter 2

"How was your sleep, Savannah?"

After having breakfast, her grandfather invited her to the veranda to talk.

"It's good. Aren't you going to the company today?"

She really wanted to ask about his company, to know if he had decided to give her work. She wasn't used to having nothing to do; it had been two weeks of being bored in the mansion. Surely, that wasn't her grandfather's plan for her?

(I don't want to be confined here; if that's what he wants, I'll just go back to Hawaii and continue my work.)

"I am on leave, Savannah. It seems you don't want to see or talk to me? Since you came back, I've been busy with the company. Today is the only day we have a chance to talk properly."

Her grandfather's tone hinted at hurt from her previous words. But she knew he was just seeking sympathy.

"I haven't forgotten what you did to bring me home, grandpa. That's not nice; you know you're my only family. I panicked, thinking something had happened to you."

Salvattier scowled at her, and she knew he was trying to play the victim again. She sighed. She couldn't resist her grandfather. Even her butler and nanny knew that her only weakness was her grandfather.

She struggled to deny and reject him, but after a week of not answering his calls, when she learned about his supposed 'illness,' she immediately booked a flight.

"Okay, okay, I am sorry, my child."

She nodded and turned her gaze to the beautiful scenery outside. The people inside the mansion were few; ever since she arrived, the maids and bodyguards who used to be always present were no longer around.



She looked back at her grandfather while sipping her coffee.

"Is it really safe to come back here? What if... the person who killed my parents is still alive and now he's after my life? Our lives?"

Salvattier put down his coffee cup and looked at her seriously. He couldn't deny that he still thought about what happened to her parents and who was responsible. She's brave but not brave enough to witness another family going through the same tragedy.

And what if this time… the suspects would use her to get everything from her grandfather? or…

"What if it's you this time?"

The pain in her chest intensified as she thought about her grandfather facing the same situation as her parents.

“Grandpa, we can live in Hawaii. It's peaceful there, and life is good. We can settle there, away from the danger and threat here in the Philippines. Away from that person– the people behind Mom and Dad’s death. Also, they can't go there, we are safe and—"

"Savannah Arabella."

She paused when her grandfather called her name.

"Calm down, please?"

She didn't realize that her breathing had become faster while she was talking, and her grandfather noticed. She took a deep breath and spoke more slowly.

"I won't bring you back here if I'm not sure about your safety, dear. The Williamson organization hasn't stopped looking for the person who killed your parents. As long as I am alive, I will seek justice for your parents. But you can't live in Hawaii forever."

Her grandfather was right. She couldn't live in Hawaii indefinitely while facing the dangers threatening her life here in the Philippines. She needed to be with him, especially since he was getting old and relied on her.

"I am confident with my people in the organization, Savannah. Don't worry about my safety, and the same goes for yours. The bodyguards of the Williamson Organization are well-trained. That's why I decided to bring you back because I know they can protect you and my people."

She bowed her head, focusing on her clasped hands. She wanted justice for her parents, and she couldn't achieve that by running away to Hawaii.

"I am being selfish. I want justice, but I am running away."

"Also, you are going to take my position as the new CEO of Williamson's Company."

Her eyes quickly lifted at her grandfather's words. She was surprised. That's their family's biggest company. It was supposed to be passed on to her father before he died. Moreover, why not pass the title to her Uncle Marlon?

She had so many questions!

"Why are you giving me that look, Savannah? I pushed you to take a Business Management course for a reason. I was giving you my work when you were in Hawaii for a reason. Everything I sent you about business were real transactions in our company. Why do you look surprised?"


"All those years I was training you. It wasn't just for nothing, Savannah. You graduated with Latin honors in Hawaii, and I am proud. I have nothing more to teach you in the business industry. You are good and knowledgeable enough to take the position as the new CEO of Williamson's Company."

She couldn't speak immediately; she hadn't processed what her grandfather just said.

"What are your thoughts?" he asked.

"H-how about Uncle Marlon? I thought he was going to be the next CEO. I never saw this coming, grandpa. I mean, w-will they approve? Especially Uncle?" she asked.

"He would be here right now, Savannah. My lawyer is currently reading where all my properties will go."

Isn’t this too early? He’s not dying for Pete's sake!

Also, this was too much for her. She didn't expect her grandfather to pass on the biggest company to her. She was afraid; what if she failed? There were a lot of uncertainties in her mind right now. She didn't want to disappoint him.

"And I don't care if one person or even ten won't approve of you, dear. You've got me. I trust you, and I trust the Williamson's Company."

Remembering her pain, she sighed.

"I-I can't do meetings with people. I-I can't face them. I'm... afraid. Uncle Marlon can do it, Grandpa."

Salvattier raised his eyebrows at her.

"What do you mean?"

She was still the same vulnerable Savannah. No change. Even in the past years, she still couldn't expose herself. Fearful of people, scared that something bad might happen to her. She trusted only her grandfather, her only family, and a few people she confided in.

She always believed that the killer was still watching them.

"Grandpa, I-I don't think I can do this. You know I can't socialize. I-I panic."

Salvattier understood her words. Her grandfather nodded at her.

"You can manage Williamson's Company in your own way, Savannah."

She was taken aback by her grandfather's statement.

"Do it in your own way. Do it for me also, please, dear? I can't think of anyone else to manage the company but you. I can't see Marlon as a powerful person; he's being manipulated by his wife. He's blinded by his love. I don't agree with his vision in business either. If I had chosen him, why didn't I transfer the company to his name back then, Savannah?"

Her grandfather had a point.

"Now, prepare yourself. In an hour, my attorney and your uncle will be here."

She stood up and bowed to her grandfather.

It seems like I have no other choice. I need to accept this path; I can't disappoint Grandpa. It's not always that I can't handle it. All those years, he was there to protect me. Right now, it is my time to protect him and the Williamson's Company.

After an hour, the awaited guests arrived. Mathilda, Marlon's wife, was smiling as they waited for Salvattier’s attorney to make the announcement. The woman smiled as if she knew something good would happen to her life. It seemed like she expected the discussion to be about transferring all of Grandpa's properties to Marlon's name.

Savannah looked at her grandfather. To her, he still seemed strong and capable of leading the company. He's 67 years old but still looks youthful. Really, too early for the transferring of properties! And now she’s being paranoid that what if something bad might happen? That’s why he’s preparing all of this?

She doesn’t want to overthink!

"Can we begin now?" Salvattier asked his attorney, Atty. Laurencio Saccub.

The attorney nodded and handed two envelopes to him and Uncle Marlon. Savannah didn't immediately open her envelope, but her uncle looked at it right away and read its contents.

His smile disappeared as he looked at the document.

"W-What? Dad, a-are you serious about this?"

Mathilda's smile also vanished as she looked at the paper in her husband's hands.

"When did I ever joke about my properties, Marlon?"

Uncle Marlon stood up and approached Grandpa. He grabbed the envelope Savannah was holding and opened it himself. She sighed; her uncle's attitude hadn't changed. His behavior was still rude.

"Marlon! What do you think you are doing?!" Grandpa shouted.

"What? Dad! You are making her the new CEO of Williamson? She just arrived in the Philippines, and you're already giving her control of a big company? What does she know about running such a large business?"

It seemed like a fuse in her patience snapped with her uncle's words. She still respected him and chose not to respond.

"Watch your words, Marlon, or I might reconsider what I gave you. I'm still holding back," Grandpa's voice held a hint of danger.

When she looked at Mathilda, she saw anger in her eyes directed at her. She lowered her gaze to her clenched hands.

"N-No, Dad, y-you can't do this to me. I am working hard! Since my brother's death, I've shown you that I deserve that position. What's this? Why aren't you looking at me? W-why?!"

Her grandfather stood up, and she stood up as well, moving closer to support him.

"This is my decision, Marlon. Don't bring your deceased brother's name into my current decisions–"

"And that woman?! Why is she getting the Williamson's Company?! She wasn't here while the company was growing! She doesn't even know the downs that happened in the company! I was there! Dad! Can you think about this again?"

"Watch your words, Marlon! Don't provoke me, or I might not give you a penny!"

Her grandfather was furious when he uttered those words. Uncle Marlon turned away, taking the document the attorney gave earlier. Before Mathilda followed, she gave Savannah a spiteful look.

"I hope you are happy now."

Those were the words she said before following her husband.

Her grandfather slowly sat on the sofa with her assistance. He touched his forehead and shook his head.

"That's why I chose you, Savannah. Did you see the anger in Marlon's eyes? The same goes for his wife. I don't want him to lead because it's clear to me what his wife's intentions are. That woman will just use him."

"But, Grandpa, isn't Uncle Marlon the one leading the Williamson Organization? Does that mean you're giving that organization to him?"

Salvattier shook his head, "No, Savannah. The organization that I built was transferred into your father's name before he died."

Her lips parted in surprise. She had no knowledge of that!

"Originally, I am the founder, but I can't transfer it to Marlon's name even if I want to because your father is already dead. So, he's just one of those managing it now."

She heard her grandfather sigh.

"I still consider your uncle, but I'll see if there will be changes in him."

After that day, Savannah prepared herself for a significant change.

A week later, her grandfather explained his wishes to the company's security guards before she arrived and also to the employees. By nine in the morning, no employees should be outside, and everyone should be in their assigned departments. She would use the private elevator, and no one could enter except her. She would leave the company at six in the evening, and all employees should leave by five-thirty.

Anyone caught violating the new rules would be terminated.

She realized that being a good CEO meant facing challenges. She learned that the Williamson Company had been facing significant financial losses in recent years. Some employees were stealing money from the company, and they hadn't been caught yet. Additionally, three prominent members of the board disapproved of her grandfather's decision to make her the CEO, and they preferred Uncle Marlon.

The board members argued that she lacked the knowledge to run such a large company. However, she proved them wrong when she showcased her skills on the spot.

Savannah wouldn't be a puppet like they made her uncle. She would show them that she deserved the position as the new CEO of Williamson Company, starting with cleaning up the mess within her own company.

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