

"Piper!" She called, and ran to her. Piper tried to wipe her tears immediately, but Ivy had seen them.

"Piper, what's wrong?" She asked sitting on the floor next to her.

"Nothing… it's fine. Just had a really bad day." Piper said, and Ivy sighed.

"I know that's not it. A bad day's not enough for you to cry. What happened? Tell me." Ivy probed, then Piper started to sob again.

She cried for minutes and Ivy hugged her, trying to calm her down.

"You can always tell me what happened? I had a bad day too, we can share it. Come on, Piper, tell me what's wrong." Ivy said, and Piper sniffed.

For a while, she didn't say a word, and Ivy thought she wasn't going to respond. But after some minutes, she did.

"I… today, I lost my job." She said in a whisper, and Ivy's hand flew to her mouth.

"You don't mean it." Ivy said, in shock.

"I don't know… I just don't know how, or why… I lost the job." She said, and broke into fresh tears.

"How?" Ivy asked, as she still couldn't bring herself to believe it.
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