

Hi! I'm trying to write chapter 112 of Alpha Brax, but need to put everything together.

So instead I'll post the two chapters I wrote over the last week for Mommy I'm dating a Billionaire.

After that email where my editor suggested some changes, I haven't heard back. I think she's not feeling well, she was sick the last time we spoke. But if Goodnovel doesn't want the story, I might try to publish it elswhere. I like it as is.

anyway... here's chapter 10. and 11 I'll post after.

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Ripley’s pov

“This wasn’t so bad,” I said as Cas walked me to a cab.

Driving wasn’t an option, not after the many drinks we had. I knew alcohol was the only way I would survive tonight’s date, although it had gone much better than I thought it would.

He was actually kind of nice…

Nope. Don’t go there.

It was the amazing restaurant, the dress, and the gifts.

It wasn’t Cas that made tonight tolerable. Right?

And even if it was, it was probably fake. He was being nice to get me into bed. Yet somehow we still had a nice time, even after I told him to stop acting.

“You sound surprised.” Cas replied, leaning against the wall.

Did he do this on purpose? Nah, he probably doesn’t even have a social media app on his phone. He might not know about the trend of men leaning against things.

He is hot, though. I’d give him that. Standing there with his pressed shirt, his beard combed perfectly, not a hair out of place.  He smelled good, too. Not like that axe body kind of scent. But musky, masculine.

Crap. This must be the alcohol talking.

Focus, Ripley. He’s an ass.

I smiled at Cas, still wearing his jacket that smelled like him.

“Well, we don’t have the best track record for getting along.”

“So, how do you want to end this date? A kiss? A ride back to my place?”

“A hug?” I offered awkwardly. A handshake would probably sound insulting.

My answer seemed to surprise Cas, and he walked towards me with arms open before closing them around me and giving me another peck on top of my hair.

“Goodnight, Ley; I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow, Cas.”

Oh yeah, crap. In a few hours, I needed to get up and clean his suite again.

On the ride home, I wondered if things would be different tomorrow.

Probably not. I doubt he would suddenly consider the way I cleaned good enough. That man had a ridiculously high standard when it came to his hotel suite.

What kind of house did he have? Was it a giant mansion—spotless, white everywhere, and every surface clean enough to eat from? Was it minimalistic and cold?

Cas would probably hate my place. Not that I would ever allow him to visit. He had no business being in my home.

When I came home, Leticia had tidied up the place, folded my laundry, and both the girls were sleeping.

“This is just temporary," I explained. They used to have their own bed, but after everything that happened. I guess we all needed it.”

Leticia smiled at me with kind eyes, “you could perhaps fit a fold-out sofa in your living room. Make the bedroom theirs. But you’re not the first to co-sleep. Out of necessity or because it’s what feels right for you. I’m not here to judge. Just help.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Leticia said, packing her things and heading out.

I got out of my fancy dress. Purposefully, I hadn’t tried to find out the price, knowing it would probably cost more than one month’s rent.

It was beautiful, though. I didn’t think it would suit me, but somehow it did. For a second, I was worried it would make me look cheap or that it would be too revealing, but somehow, even with that deep v, it was still classy.

When the alarm went off in the morning, it took me a while to realize this was my life right now.

I was actually dating a billionaire. Not a millionaire, because apparently a million dollars was nothing to Cas. Something he would give me just to go out with him.

“Mommy, I need to pee.” River said, reminding me of the simple things in life.

That restaurant, those dates, that dress—it was temporary and not real.

Drinking and going to bed late made me slow, and after dropping the girls off, I quickly grabbed the cart and my supplies, rushing to the elevator.

I opened the door, realizing Cas wasn’t there.

I started with the bedroom as usual. It smelled like him, but the bed was made.

Did he go out after he dropped me off? Did he sleep somewhere else?

It wasn’t like it mattered anyway, but I did wonder if I had to clean the sheets if nobody slept in the bed.

Soon I was finished with his bedroom, ready to tackle the bathroom, when Cas walked in.

He wasn’t wearing a shirt, just some loose-fitting shorts, and my eyes immediately went to his chest.

I had never seen such a body in real life. I always figured people who had a six-pack and arms the size of my upper leg were only real in movies.

His hands were taped. Cas looked like a fighter right now. Like he belonged in the ring. What the hell happened to that neat freak in a suit?

“Are you going to stare or get out of the way? I need a shower.” Cas smirked at me.

“I’m sorry,” I looked down and moved my cart towards the living room.

“You can join me. You look like you skipped the shower.” Cas joked, the door to his room still open as he removed the tape from his hands.

“No, thanks. I’m working.”

“You can clean while we shower. Or clean me; I’m really dirty….” He teased, knowing he was annoying me.

“Just go take a shower, Cas.” I shouted and pushed the door shut.

Cas was finished showering just as I was done with the living room. All that was left was the bathroom.

“Do you even sleep?” I joked when he stepped out.

“I slept, then went to the gym, and now I have to go to a meeting, so I can't take you to lunch later.” Cas replied.

“Did you sleep here?” I asked. I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

Cas smirked again, moving closer to me. He put stray hair behind my ear. “Are you jealous, Ley?”

When did he start calling me that?

“Ripley. It’s Ripley, remember.”

“I know your name, but that's not an answer.” 

“No, the sheets were made. So I wondered if you slept here.” I tried to say it as stoically as possible.


“It’s true!”

Cas looked unconvinced as he smirked again. “I need to go. You made ten mistakes in the living room and four in the bedroom. Find them and fix them before you're done.”

I rolled my eyes, wondering what the hell I had done wrong this time. Neurotic guy.

Tonight he had to give up control, though. Tonight was the date I had planned. Or not so much planned, but I stumbled across it while taking my girls to the playground. But it was perfect.

But first I had to fix whatever Cas thought I did wrong and then meet him for lunch. I grabbed the cleaning trolly when I felt a stab in my lower stomach. Crap. Is it really time for my period already, or did all that fancy, smancy food didn’t agree with my stomach?

I checked my calendar and saw that I would probably get my period any day now. Great. Another reason Cas and I won’t be having sex. Pretty sure that man would never dare have sex with a woman on her period. He needs everything to be squeaky clean. He probably tells the women he sleeps with how to shower first too.

After taking some Tylenol, I went down. Lunch would start soon. So I went out to grab a bite to eat, and when I came back, I saw half of the cleaning crew staring daggers at me.

“What’s your deal?” Heather said, eyeing me up and down. “I don’t get it.”

“Don’t get what?” I replied, acting coy. I took a sip of my water, not in the mood to talk to her or the rest of her gang. That whole ranking system was ludicrous. Suddenly, you’re better because you work on the top floor of a hotel?

“The interest Mr. Hemming has shown you. Is your pussy magic or something?”

I practically spit out my drink. “We are not having sex.”

“So why are you cleaning his suite? You just started here a few days ago. It can't be the way you clean; I heard him complain about it.” Heather replied, staring at her nails like she was just casually talking to me instead of insinuating I was sleeping with guests to get to work on a better floor.

“Complain to whom?” I asked, wondering why Cas was telling other people I wasn’t cleaning his room right. Why didn’t he just tell me the way he liked it to be cleaned? 

“Well, to me.” Heather said proudly. “This morning he told me he expected me to start cleaning his room again soon.”

I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. “Fine by me. I’m just going where I’m sent. If Cas really wants someone else to clean his room, he’s more than welcome to ask for another maid. I don’t care.”

“Cas?!” Heather and the rest whispered.

Shit….. Now they’ll all really think I’m sleeping with him.

“Um. Cassius. Mr. Hemming. Whatever. I’m going to eat outside.” I said, grabbing my lunch and quickly standing up. While I didn’t think I would make friends at my new job, I had at least hoped things could be civil.

But now I just alienated everyone here. Or Cas did, by screwing with the pecking order at my job.

The rest of the afternoon, I kept my head down, trying not to cause any issues. This whole thing is weird to me, so how would I even explain it to others in a way that makes sense?

I’m getting paid to date him because he wants to get into my pants and thinks this is the way to do it. But I have no interest in sleeping with a rich, spoiled toddler stuck in the body of a god. But I do need the money.

Yeah, that would not be good.

Besides, if I am getting my period, it means that if I get into an argument, I will either get really pissed off or cry. Or both. So keeping my head down is the best option right now.

As soon as my shift ended, I went up to get my girls. I practically ran there, needing to hug them.

I held both of their little hands as I walked out, bumping into Heather,who looked confused.

“Hi, Heather. These are my daughters, River and Rose.” I said, trying to be the bigger person and hoping she wouldn't insult me in front of my kids.

For her sake, not mine....

It took Heather a minute to understand what I was saying. “O, um. Hi, girls. Um. Have a nice day, Ripley.”

The girls waved at Heather, and we quickly left, not wanting to engage in any awkward conversation longer than I needed to. We did groceries together, where I bought a lot of snacks I did not need, and then we headed home.

I made them an early dinner and put them to bed. I got ready and waited until Leticia showed up.

My date wasn’t anything fancy, so a nice blouse and some jeans were good enough. I put on some make-up and took a quick shower.

As soon as Cas was downstairs to pick me up, I said goodbye and hurried out the door.

Cas was standing there looking way too good, wearing jeans and a fitted t-shirt.

I swallowed as I eyed him up and down. I know some women really like men in suits, but I’ve always preferred t-shirts. And this shirt fits Cas perfectly. A little to perfectly, as if it were custom made for him. It was probably tailored to fit every curve and muscle.

“Done drooling, Ley? Or is this the date you have planned?”

Shit, why did he always catch me staring?!

“Let’s go.” I told Cas.


“O, yeah. Sorry, the old movie theater.” I said, giving Cas the address.

He sighed but didn’t say anything. I was sure he already hated the thought of seeing a movie, but I didn’t care. It was important he at least saw one good movie in his life, and it so happened that this movie theater was only showing my favorite tonight.

We arrived just in time to get some popcorn, candy, and drinks and sat down.

“Really?” Cas sighed, putting his arm over my armrest.

“Is it the movie theater that you can’t handle, or is it impossible for you to sit still for two hours to watch a movie?”

“It’s two hours?” Cas sighed again, this time even heavier, like I was his mom telling him to clean his room.

The movie started, and I was so excited for Cas to see the movie when the cramps hit again.

I was trying my best to still enjoy this, but I couldn’t sit comfortably. God, would I have to cancel?

“I thought you said I wouldn't be able to sit still, but you're the one who keeps moving around. We can always leave….” Cas whispered in my ear. 

“I’ve seen Alien a million times.” I replied. “And I have cramps, so it’s kind of hard to focus.”

I tried my best to sit still and not be bothered by the cramps, but I felt Cas's eyes staring at me instead of the screen.

“Fuck this. I’m taking you home.” Cas said, standing up.

Other people shushed him, and he stood there unwavering, holding his hand, waiting for me to get up.

“But the date.”

Cas pulled me out of the row of seats towards the exit. “Fuck the date. You’re clearly in pain. Let’s get you home.”

“You still need to watch the movie. It’s for your cinematic education.” I pouted.

Cas drove us home and got out of the car. “Okay, let’s watch the rest of the movie at your house.”

"But the girls, and, um?” I replied, unsure of what to do. Just this morning, I told myself Cas would never step foot inside my house.

“They're sleeping. Either we watch it now or you owe me another date.” Cas smirked.

At least I would be in the comfort of my own home. I could get a heating pad, some painkillers, and chocolate. I could stretch my legs and lie on my sofa.

“Fine,” I sighed, opening the door and leading Cas upstairs. “But not a word about my place!”

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kasey N Adam Swearengin
Thank you for continuing to share this story with us!! I can't wait to read the whole book!!

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