

Damien stood in front of the palace maids whose loud wailing filled the air. The way they cried, even their sniffles annoyed him but he did nothing to stop them. He thought about lining them up to begin their torturing all over again but he thought against it. What if they were all saying the truth?

His eyes quickly scanned their sweat and tears slicked face but he saw nothing aside from pain on their features. They also looked equally as confused as he was; the only difference was that their faces were contorted with pain.

He was tremendously confused and angry too; and no matter how much he did to the palace maids, none of them seemed to know about Ariel ’s whereabouts.

He has tortured them in every way possible, whipping, starvation ,threatening, you just name it but their answers were the same. None of them knew where she had gone to and hadn’t seen her since the previous day.

Sighing in frustration, he angrily dismissed all of them and they all rushed away from him; seemingly happ
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