
So be it

Her pulse rate peaked up as she stood with wide eyes, beads of sweat forming at the top of her forehead, she took two steps back in fear, her hands and legs trembling.

'What have I done?' she thought as she held up the broken flower vase, her lips quivered slightly.

Ariel couldn't wrap her head around what had just happened, it all seemed to happen in a flash, one minute Elle slapped her the next minute she was lying on the floor unconscious.

She took two more steps back, her back hitting the pillar, Damien took a step closer to her and she panics, her heart leapt into her stomach, a wave of fatigue and nausea fell upon her like a bucket of water.

"Don't you dare come near me or I'll kill myself along with Elle" she rasped out her eyes wide, Damien stops right in his tracks, his face filled with panic, he looks at Alex with a look as to say 'Talk to her'.

Alex understands his stare and takes a step forward opening his mouth to speak, but Ariel shuts him up.

"Even you Alex , I don't wan
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