

Elle practically jumped out of the car after the door sprung open and literally bounced into Damien’s home. She was beaming with uncontrollable joy and even beamed bright smiles at people she would usually frown upon, including the slaves.

Everyone around her at the time were beyond surprised at her sudden change in mood and whispered amongst themselves, while wondering exactly what it was that must’ve caused the lift in her mood.

She bounced up the flight of airy steps smiling, waving happily as the only thing she could quite think about was Damien, and her wedding with him that would take place in only a matter of days.

She had prepared everything ranging from the cakes, reception, clothes, in fact everything that had to do with weddings, you just name it.

Her wedding dress was top notch. A small smile graced her lips when she remembered the dresses she had bought, paired up with the expensive shoes she had taken with it.

She couldn’t help but smile when images of her Wedding ceremon
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