

After Eros has finished his most pressing work, he returned back to Iris as he is worried about her. He knows how much stress she must be experiencing over something which she doesn't have any knowledge about.

He found her in their bed chamber sitting on the floor with her back leaned onto a wall. Her gaze is fixed on the plants outside the nearby window. Dried tears are visible through the light falling on her face. It is evident that she has been crying.

Just then her maid Diandra knocked on the door and brought a food tray along. She bowed to Eros before carefully placing the tray on a table. Promptly she left afterward, leaving them alone once again.

"Hey" he greeted Iris who noticed his presence but refused to acknowledge anyone.

Iris turned to look at Eros when he sat on the floor beside her.

"You are not supposed to sit on the floor" she pointed out with a frown.

He chuckled at her words.

"Why so?" he asked her with a smile.

He opened the lid on the tray and found soup meat and
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