
Strategize to win

Yutti had finished the transformation process and returned to his human form. Raul and his friends were amazed at the way Betty and Paul slept all through the transformation process. The luna went in constantly to check upon them.

“They’re still sleeping.” She told Raul as she came out from checking upon them.

“Is this normal?” Raul asked Yutti.

“Well, I haven’t done too many transformations. But the few I have done were at odd times so I wasn’t able to get a record of their behavior during the transformation.” Yuttt replied.

“So what do you think is wrong with them?” Kal asked in curiosity.

“Do you think that they’re dead?” Heather asked.

“They are supposed to be dead because the transformation can only take place when they’re dead or unconscious,” Tom explained.

“The first one I did, she did faint but I can’t remember wh

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