


“Now you listen to me young lady, you have said enough. Just cause you're relocating elsewhere doesn’t mean you’re not under our mercy, one wrong move you make and I swear to you, you’ll rot in hell as your parents are” she spat walking away.

She stopped halfway, “Get ready, he’ll be here any moment, you better not mess this up for us” She smirked before walking away.

I drew to the ground letting the tears stream. I didn’t know who I was married off to all I knew was his name and status which didn’t matter to me.

I have always hoped that my escape from my uncle’s grip is when I find a mate that loves and appreciates me for who I am, someone that I’d spend the rest of my already miserable life with but I guess all that now wasn’t going to happen.

I mustered the remaining sanity left in me packing up and proceeding to zip up my bags when a knock came through.

Lily came into view with a look of piety one that she knows I hate.

Lilly is one of the workers in the house, she’s the one person who makes a house less suffocating, she is around my age but older than me by two years.

She pulled me in for a hug snuggling into me and trying to make me feel it’ll be better without even saying it as I could read through her mind.

“I’ll be fine, I can handle this. I will surely find my way out” I say to her before she can spit what she intended to say.

She sighs, “You’re being married off to an Alpha Lyra, and you know what that means right?”

I shrug, “I don’t think even he can defy me. Whoever he is, I’m certain he doesn’t want this as much as I don’t too, so we could maybe come to an agreement and wiggle our way out of the situation.

Lily chuckles, “I adore your confidence Lyra I just hope you’ll be okay, wherever you go do keep in touch please?”

A slight smile stole its way to my lips as I nodded, “Sure, you have my word”

She giggles, “Now your uncle wants you down, his beta is around”

My heart dropped at the mention of that but masked it away.

We can’t do this, what if we don’t like him? Nyx says with a growl as I watch Lily step out helping me with the small box I had set my very few outfits.

“We don’t plan on liking him girl, let’s say we’re tolerating him till we’re able to come up with something and find a way out of this mess”


I stood outside, my small bag packed and ready for my new life with Alpha Sage Mickelson.

“You better be on your best behavior, If you mess this up for me I’ll make sure you regret it” Uncle mumbled enough to my hearing with a fake smile plastered on his lips so as not to give Jason, Alpha Sage’s beta.

Jason’s tall and imposing figure with piercing blue eyes, stood by a sleek black SUV. He nodded at me curtly, his expression stern. "it's time to go."

I took a deep breath and walked towards the vehicle, sparing my uncle a last-minute look. Jason opened the door for me, and I climbed in, settling into the plush seat.

Jason got down and helped me out just in time the doors breaking open and revealing an aged woman probably around the age of 62 with a smile plastered on her lips.

She walked down to us reaching out for me before surprisingly pulling me in for a hug, “Welcome to the family Lyra” she stated pulling back.

Nyx groans irritatingly while I force a tight-lipped smile so as not to ruin the moment unsure of how to respond.

“Come in my dear, we’ve all been waiting for you”


I blinked back following her as she guided me inside. I thought the outside of the estate was beautiful until I came in view with the inside.

It was magnificent.

“Lyra loosen up, you’re part of the family now” she states pausing noticing my distress.

Who on earth did my uncle sell me off to? Whoever the Mickelson’s were, they must own a fortune.

As we entered the foyer, a young woman with a bright smile and piercing blue eyes rushed towards me. She enveloped me in a tight hug that took me off guard.

"Welcome to the family, Lyra!" she exclaimed, her voice genuine and kind. "We're so glad you're here! And I’m Angela by the way”

Mrs. Mickelson smiled, her eyes shining with approval. "Angela, dear, go call your brothers and your sister."

She nods before walking off.

We sat in silence and just as Angela came back with a group of shirtless men each of them oozing dominance and fineness my eyes dropped on a set of familiar deep blue eyes.


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