



My brows furrowed urging him to proceed with what had to say, “Yeah?”

“Your mother is downstairs waiting” he announced fighting back a smirk I sent him a glare that had him bursting into a fit of laughter as he walked away.

Jason isn’t only just a Beta to me but my best friend, we grew up together and were childhood best friends, making him my Beta is one of the best decisions I have made.

I walked down the stairs to the dining room, my footsteps echoing through the hallway.

I walked to the dining room and was surprised to come into view with not only my mother but my siblings as well. My three brothers, Axel, Clause, and Damien, sat with their eyes fixed on me, their expressions serious. My two sisters, Angela and Sierra, looked up at me with a mix of curiosity and concern.

My mother, the matriarch of our family, sat at the head of the table, her eyes narrowed as she watched me approach.

To what exactly do I owe this visit?

I held a stern look, my jaw clenched, as I settled into my seat. I barely greeted my mother, my voice low and gruff. "Mum. What's the meaning of this gathering? I don’t remember calling for any meeting”

Her eyes flashed with a hint of warning, but her voice remained calm. "Sage, we need to discuss something very important and that is why I have gathered you all here. Sadly, your father couldn’t join us due to his flight being delayed but that’s okay."

I growled, my patience wearing thin. "What now mum!"

Axel spoke up, his voice firm. "Yes, Mum can we please get into business and tell us why we’re all here? I think we all have better things-"

He ate back his words at the glare the woman sent him earning a growl out from him.

I turned to my mother, my eyes piercing. "So?"

My wolf; Kato is inwardly getting impatient too.

My mother's expression turned calculating. "Sage, you had chosen to disobey not only me and your father but the family’s culture too. Although it’s been a year since that happened you haven’t made a move to move on” She paused daring me to talk back.

My jawline hardened as I dusted my hands trying hard to control my temper at the mention of my incident, a sore topic I don’t like to discuss.

I snarled, my instincts on high alert.

“That is why your father and I have arranged you to an acquaintance's daughter, she’s moving in tomorrow and you can sign the—”

I bolt up pushing back the chair unable to hold back myself, “The fuck I am”

She got up as infuriated as well, “Mind your language” she warned. “I have made myself clear and that’s final, if you choose to defy me I’d ripe you out of all your rights as an Alpha and as well take away your shares”

My heart dropped. All my hard work, she wants to put it on the line. I know she was doing this on purpose and she knows I don’t have a way out of it.

“For heaven's sake, she’s made her choices and left, accept that and move on. I believe she was never your mate you were only infatuated by her” Mum fires with fury and annoyance in her tune.

My blood boiled as I tried to keep Kato in but the rage vibrating within was making it almost impossible.

“My decision is final.” With that, she spared all of us a one-minute look before walking out.

My chest heaved up and down, becoming almost impossible to keep Kato from defending me against my mother.

“Sage” Axel tried to reach out and stop me from transforming but it was too late.

Claus and Damien tried to step in but I didn’t spare them a second before running off my anger dissolving as I ran into the woods my feelings running haywire.

Memories of Veronica snapped into my head as I ran further into the woods wanting to cool off but it only hurt as much as it did years back.

I had her, she was mine, or so I thought.

As I ran, my paws pounding the forest floor, I suddenly heard a feminine scream filling the air.

At first, I wanted to ignore it as I had better problems to deal with than saving someone but the yelps continued till I no longer took it, running in the direction of the sound.

As I approached, I could smell the scent of fear and panic. A female wolf was being attacked by a rogue, his claws snapping mere inches from her shoulder as he nuzzled his teeth to her throat.

I charged towards them, my growl low and menacing. The rogue turned to face me, his eyes flashing with aggression. But I was no stranger to a fight, and I quickly dispatched him with a swift bite to the neck that had him running off.

I transformed back. “Are you stupid?”

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