
Alpha Sage
Alpha Sage
Author: SilentEcho



I tried to run, but my feet felt heavy as if rooted to the spot. The rogue's eyes gleamed with a feral intensity, their teeth bared in a snarl. I raised my hands, palms facing them, and summoned a weak burst of energy to defend myself. But he was too strong, too fast.

He knocked my hands aside and pinned me against the wall, his claws digging into my shoulders.

I struggled, kicking and squirming, but he was too strong. A fist slammed into my stomach, and I gasped for air. Another blow struck my head, and everything went blurry. I felt myself falling, but they caught me, holding me up with a cruel grip.

I tried to fight back, but my body betrayed me. My limbs felt like lead, and my vision spun. A sharp pain seared through my side, and I knew I was in trouble.

My wolf, Nyx growled weakly as I bit on my lower lip.

“You bastard. I’d never be able to submit to you. You are not my mate, I refuse to accept you” I say in pain feigning confidence.

Blake is a rogue who has been trying to persuade me to get involved with him for months now.

Blake is more audacious than I thought.

His grip tightened, and I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I was trapped, helpless, and in agony. I closed my eyes and waited for the end, hoping it would come quickly.

A loud fierce growl echoed all of a sudden seizing Blake’s action.

A massive black wolf appeared from the shadows blazing with dominance as he burned his piercing eyes at Blake who had paused.

Blake sneered but his confidence didn’t seem to match the wolf who seemed unfazed by Blake’s daggers.

The wolf charged, pinning Blake to the ground with its paws. Blake struggled, but the wolf's grip was unyielding. A fierce snarl and Blake yelped in pain before scrambling to his feet and fleeing in terror.

I sat there in horror watching the wolf let out deep breaths before transforming back to its human form. Luckily the night was dark so his nudity wasn’t visible to my sight.

Three moonlights radiated his face giving me a glimpse of his features chiseled, and his expression stern. His eyes still burned with a fierce intensity, and his gaze was fixed on me. I trembled, unsure if I should fear or trust this stranger.

His voice was low and demanding, "Are you stupid ?" he asked, his eyes burning into mine.

For a minute there I was thankful that he saved my ass but right now, his words took me aback.

“Excuse me?” I stare offensively trying to get up as I bit back the pain.

“Leave!” He orders turning his back on me.

My jawline hardened with annoyance, my brows furrowed, “I don’t know who you think you are but you can’t come to our territory and order me” I spat glaring at him.

He turned, “I fucking saved you—”

I cut him off, “I didn’t ask for your help. I had it under control before you stepped in”

He chuckled irritatingly scanning for the injuries Blake had successfully pulled on me.

“Mind the way you speak to me omega” he states insultingly.

I sucked a breath finding it very offensive that he tagged me as an omega. Of course, I wasn’t one even the impression I was giving right now screams every shade of it but he had no fucking rights.

I don’t know who this guy thinks he is but I will make sure I wipe off that ego he goes around looking all, I won’t say handsome.

But he is, Nyx finally decides to speak up.

I hissed. “I am not an omega, wait a sec who are you again? And what exactly is your ass doing here? Or do you have a courtesy for meddling around, if so then I’m sorry to burst your bubble mister if you did all this to impress me or get a thank you, which you are not getting after being insulting—”

He cuts me off by taking slow steps towards me urging me to take steps back till he successfully has me pinned to the wall before he lowers his head till our lips are inch apart.

“I will tell you this, why don’t you shut your dirty little mouth and get yourself out of trouble? And just cause I saved you now doesn’t me I’ll be around all the time. Count yourself lucky that I even spared a minute, if I knew you were that much of a pain in the ass, I would have let that Rogue devour you and send you down to your ancestors, where craps like you should be” he paused chuckling at the way my heart beat raggedly against its ribcage.

“Fuck you!” I spat giving him a knee jack in the place where the sun doesn’t shine before running off while placing my hand on my chest trying to steady my racing heart.

Who the hell was that guy?

And why was I feeling beneath him?

Could he be an Alpha?

Nope. Not.

I manage to get myself home in one piece ignoring the greetings I got from the servant and weird looks at my infused shoulder.

I took slow steps towards the stairs inwardly praying that I don’t come across my uncle or aunt, I already had too much for the day.


I hissed cursing under my breath as I heard his familiar voice echo around the silent walls.

I turned. giving me a view of my injuries that had his brows furrowed for a minute as though he was concerned before his lips spread into a smicker.

He erased the distance between us reaching out for my shoulder and pressing hard on it till I reached the ground with Nyx howling in pain.

“Listen carefully, Lyra. You're betrothed to Alpha Sage, and the arrangement is finalized. You'll be relocating to his den tomorrow, so prepare yourself accordingly. His beta will come to pick you up and escort you to your new home, so be ready."

And with a final hardened grip on my injured shoulder, he let go and walked away.

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