
Chapter 41


Flames licked their way up my bones, leaving smoldering heat in their wake. Beads of sweat matted my hair to the back of my neck. Pain like no other weaved itself into my skin, making the most ginger of touches painful. The more potent the brew of my anger was the more pain coiled around my ribcage, like a python ready to crack me open and make me its next meal.

I ignored the black that edged at my vision and pushed my glasses into place with a rubbery knuckle. When Saint had called and told me Jason had Victor trapped in a lab, I knew exactly where to go. Jason only ever used one lab because of the equipment he needed. The sight before me was not something I thought I'd see in my wildest dreams.

Victor was strapped upright to a steel table. His wrists were cuffed to the table on either side and so were his ankles. His shirt was now just pieces of bloodied material barely clinging to him. A wound on his side oozed with blood, the coppery metallic sce
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Mga Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
Yeah so happy her wolf woke up
goodnovel comment avatar
I think you meant appalled… but you wrote she’s applauded.
goodnovel comment avatar
What is the wolfs name !!!
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