
Chapter Seventeen

"You don't fear me Mr Secks? Is it because am not an alpha?" Rex asked in a calm but dangerous tone. Everyone around could feel and see that chilly dangerous cold air around Rex. Not only Tristan, Roy, Colten and the five men but also the crowd around. It seemed only John couldn't feel or see it.

"Why should I? Huh? Why should I be afraid of a male omega" Shit! Rex looked dangerous and scary as fuck if they didn't do anything he was going to kill the old man and get into trouble. Everyone around could see how angry Rex looked except for the ignorant old man who had a smirk on his face, watching Rex who looked like he was about to expose from anger. Tristan knew Rex could charge on the old man and no one would Na able to stop him.

Omegas were known as weak creatures naturally but all the wolves around who were paying attention knew Rex couldn't be defined as weak considering that dangerous and strong scent coming from him.

Tristan took hold of Rex's hand and whispered into his ear, "Calm down" Rex exhaled and nodded. He began breathing in and out to calm himself. It took a few seconds before he completely calmed down.

Tristan turned to look at John and his companions. He once again noticed they were giving him a disgusting look. This time, all six. Why? Because he was holding a man's hand? Seriously?

"What type of a freak are you?!! What kind of a man polishes his nails?!!" Oh, so that's the reason, Tristan thought. "Oh that's right, male omegas aren't exactly men. They're freak by nature" The six men started laughing while sometime of the people around had angry faces, staring at the six musketeers while others were giving Tristan the pity look.

The last insult hit Tristan so hard, making him recall how his parents insulted him and told him they never loved him. How they called him a freak, abomination and a curse of the family. All the horrible incidents started playing once again in his head.

He took Rex's hand and began running towards the mansion. Both Roy and Colten glared fiercely at the six old idiots. "Insulting the alpha's mate in the middle of town, the alpha will hear about this" Roy said and he and Colten followed after Tristan and Rex.

Colour drained from the old men. They were as pale as a dead man. They knew the alpha had found his mate but they didn't know it was that male omega. They're dead!! So dead!! They turned to the people around but they rolled their eyes and went back to their houses, shutting their doors.

They old men shared a look of dispersed and regret.



Rex couldn't breath or even speak. He just quietly followed as Tristan dragged him to the mansion. He knew Tristan was going through something. Could it be his past experience with his family? Did it have to be with his parents abandoning and selling him? He wanted to help Tristan with whatever he was going through but he also knew he wasn't the right person.

Entering the mansion, Tristan stood, still holding Rex's hand. He didn't even spare Rex a look he said, "Please don't tell lvan anything" Tristan letted go of Rex's hand and ran for the stairs, probably to his room for his space. Rex just hoped he wasn't going to cry.

Rex, Roy and Colten watched as Tristan ran upstairs, feeling soory for him. "Should I kill that old man" Roy asked.

Rex turned and walked towards the living room as he answered, "By all means I would love that as well" Rex sat down and watched as Roy and Colten joined him. "I don't mean it a bad way but, why is it you're okay after the insult while Tristan looks like he was stabbed in the heart with thousands needles?"

Rex turned to look at Roy who spoke, his eyebrows arched. "And who said I was okay?!" I felt like punching those old men in the faces. Roy and Colten smirked as they answered together, "We believe"

Rex raised up his head with a proud look, "Of course you should" Roy and Colten smiled at Rex. Rex was really cute like Alan, they both thought as they watched. "Uhuh, I see your faces you're thinking something dirty right?" Roy and Colten burst out laughing. "Do you think everyone think like you?" Lvan answered instead. Lvan came around and sat down on the couch. Roy, Colten and Rex shared a look, asking whether they tell lvan about what happened or listen to Tristan and not tell. Ah whatever!! Rex thought and turned to lvan with a serious look.

"Lvan, go see Tristan" Hearing that, lvan immediately got up and ran for his room, using his speed ability. "So fast" Roy and Colten thought. Rex smiled. He was actually glad lvan left without asking anything.


Reaching his and Tristan's room without a single sweat on his skin, lvan stood behind the door. Shit!! He didn't even ask what happened. He was just in a hurry to see that his mate was okay and his wolf was also impatient.

Lvan breathed in and out before he knocked on the door, "Baby, is me open the door" it took a few minutes which was like hours to lvan before Tristan answered, "Come in" Lvan entered. He smelled the scent of fresh water. He immediately looked at Tristan who had a sweet smile on his face but there was no trace of water on his face but lvan knew better.

Tristan was crying earlier but he cleaned his face to rid the evidence. But then again, lvan didn't hear the sound of running water. Lvan looked around and noticed the bottle of water on the drawer beside the bed was empty. A smile spread on his lips as he walked towards his mate. His baby was really smart.

Tristan had that sweet smile on his face when he scooted back for lvan to sit facing him. Lvan sat on the bed and he cupped Tristan's cheeks, slowly and tenderly stroking with a smile on his face. "You're really smart baby" Tristan's eyes widened. He was caught. He had no choice but to tell lvan what happened but he didn't want to because he knew what would happen next. Lvan would lose his mind and kill those old men.

"So, are you talking now or do I have to force it out of you?" Lvan asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Tristan smiled as he said, "Can I get a hug even though I don't deserve it?" Lvan smiled and opened his arms. Tristan scooted forward and fell into the hug. He buried his head into Lvan's chest, feeling completely safe when he felt lvan's arms come around him.

"Don't ever think that you don't deserve anything. You deserve everything that brings happiness" Tristan nodded and lvan hugged him tighter.

"Then can I also get a blowjob? I think it will make me every happy" lvan burst out laughing. "That makes the two of us baby" Lvan removed his hand from Tristan when he saw Tristan wanted to get up. Tristan sat up and looked at lvan with a smile. "We still have a few hours before your parents. I'm still nervous and I need something to help me so bad" 

"Uh, okay" Lvan smiled and pulled Tristan into a devouring kiss. Tristan moaned and slid his hand into lvan's shirt. Lvan pulled from the kiss and started tracing kisses on Tris's neck who in return brought out moans. "You're so impatient baby" 

"Just blowjob won't work" lvan chuckled and kissed Tristan on the lips before responding, "I see"


Tristan, Alan, lvan and Rex were standing outside waiting for lvan's parents. Tristan was nervously holding Alan's. Lvan could see how nervous Tristan was, not from his scent but his look too. Lvan held Tristan's hand and squeezed tight in comfort but not tight enough to hurt him.

Tristan turned to look at lvan with a grateful smile. "Wait! Lvan, you never told me your parents names!!" They all turned to look at Tristan with their lips pressed tightly together to suppress the laughter which wanted out.

"Nana's name is Marie Ash and grandpa's name is Jack Ash" Tristan smiled at Alan and rustled his hair. Tristan looked up and wondered what lvan's mother's last name was. 'Lvan, what's your mother's surname?'

Tristan sent lvan a mind link. Jones, the pack doctor who was human explained to them that it was something that happened when two mates mated. Not all mates could send messages using their minds and it also wasn't always mates. Two people who had been friends for like forever could also develop this ability.

'She threw it away. That's all she told us even we don't know her surname' Tristan nodded in understanding. The sound of a car sounded and they looked on their left. They watched as the SUV drove towards them and packed before them. A woman with dark black hair and blue eyes like lvan's got down. She rushed towards lvan and pulled him into a hug. Lvan letted go of Tristan's hand and hugged his mother back with a smile on his face.

A man with gray hair and blue eyes such like lvan's also came out of the driving seat.

Alan rushed to hug him as he shouted, "Grandpa!!" Mr Ash who was lvan's father lifted Alan up into his arms. "I miss you so much son!!" Mrs Ash exclamated. "You guys forgot about me" Lvan and his mother laughed. Mrs Ash pulled away from lvan and pulled her other son into a hug. Mr Ash joined them with a giggling Alan in his arms.

Mrs Ash kissed Rex's cheeks and pulled away from him, smiling at her sons. Tristan lost himself into a thought when the family got into a conversation. Tristan watched them interact and all the nerves faded. He couldn't hear what they were saying even though he was right there. He was jealous. He had never had such loving parents before and he would never have one.

"Mother, father, this is my mate, Tristan Lang" Tristan snapped out of his thoughts when lvan introduced him. He was looked at Mr and Mrs Ash who had smiles on their faces. Mr Ash was the first one to come forward with his hand extended to Tristan for a handshake. Tristan stood there, shocked and watching the hand.

"My hand is getting tired" Mr Ash said. Tristan immediately exited his shock mode and shook Mr Ash's hand, managing a smile. After Mr Ash pulled back his hand and took a step back, Mrs Ash came forward and pulled Tristan into a hug. "I have another son now! I'm so lucky" Tristan heard the laughter of lvan and the others but he was too busy enjoying Mrs Ash's warm to care about them.

"Really mother, you always complain of how unlucky you were for having all boys and being the only woman in the family and now you say you're lucky?" Rex said with a smirk.

Mrs Ash pulled away from the hug and Tristan felt disappointed for the lost of not feeling the woman's warm. Mrs Ash turned to look at Rex, "You guys know I never meant it" They all nodded except Tristan. They knew the woman never meant of because she always said with a warm smile.

"Mr and Mrs Ash, take you for welcoming me into your family" Tristan said with a smile. "Please, you're also my son now. You can call me Marie or mom" Mrs— no, Marie said. Tristan felt like crying. The woman who didn't even know him aphad accepted him for who he was while the woman who birthed him had rejected him.

Tristan nodded as he answered, "Okay" lvan took his hand again and began caressing the back of his hand. Tristan turned to look at him and gave him a smile. "You can also call me Jack or Dad" They all turned to look at Jack and laughed.


They all seated having dinner with Sandy and Minna serving them while James stood two steps behind lvan, instructing them. Roy, Colten, Chris and Even had join them after all but there were still spaces on the table.

"Why don't you join us you guys?" Marie asked James, Sandy and Minna. They gave her a smile while James answered, "We're okay Madame Marie"

"Am I that old?" Marie asked, glaring at James and making the others laugh. Being a professional as he was, James corrected him, "Marie"

"Better. So, how's Debby? Does she still cook alone?"

"She won't let anyone near her stove except Tristan" Minna answered. The people who lived in the house smiled while the visitors, Roy, Colten, Marie and Jack turned to look at Tristan, who's face was as red as a cherry ripe. "Uh, and why is that?"

"Because Tris can make amazing cookies! Desserts and food!!" Alan answered with a beaming look. Marie turned to look at Alan who was on her left and Tristan who was on her right. "I see. Then my son scored himself a treasure"

"You have no idea" Lvan answered. They burst out laughing while Tristan looked down, his face heated. He wanted the ground to swallow him up already. There was enough praise he could take in a day.

Minna and Sandy left after placing the last food which was fried rice and left for the kitchen to eat. James stayed to supervise and if they needed anything, he would call Sand and Minna. After taking a sip of her fruit juice which was in a glass, Marie placed it down and turned to look at Alan.

"So, how's school Alan? Are you having any trouble? Are you studying well?"

Alan stuffed a full spoon of fried rices into his mouth, drink some water before answering. "School's fine. Everything is fine"

Marie nodded, "I see"

"Do you want more juice Alan?" Tristan spoke to Alan, peeping behind Marie's back. "No thank you" Alan answered and Tristan went back to eating.

"Roy, Colten, I heard you guys did a perfect job again. Thank you" Jack said. Roy stopped eating, drink his wine and answered, "There's no need to thank you" Roy looked at Colten who nodded but was still eating. The guy looked like he had his mouth full.

"So, are you dating anyone? Even? Chris? Roy? Colten?" Marie asked, looking at them. "What about me?!" Rex demanded. "Yes me?" Jack asked.

"And Me" Alan added.

Marie pointed at Rex, "You said you will not date anymore until you find your mate" then at Jack, "You, you're married" lastly Alan, "And you'll not old enough"

"I'll be 5 soon" Alan said with pouty lips. They laughed while Marie answered, "It doesn't matter"

"I'm not dating" Colten announced.

"Me either" Roy interjected.

"I think I'll keep my answer to myself" Even said. When Chris didn't say anything, they all turned to look at him. It took a few seconds before Chris noticed the eyes on him. He stopped eating, dropped his fork and knife. He took a sip of his wine, placed the glass back on the table before answering, "I have nothing to say"

They all rolled their eyes and continued to eat except Alan who was giggling.


Dinner today wasn't like the rest of the days. Tristan didn't know if it was because there were a lot more fun people. After eating, they went to the living room and sat. Tristan sat beside lvan, holding his hand with Alan leaning his back on Tristan's side. Roy was seated beside Colten. The two looked good together but they were not more than friends. That Tristan could see, in the way they talk and act around each other.

Chris and Even were also seated together. Rex was seated with his mother and father.

Tristan knew the time had come. He could feel it.

Today he wouldn't be able to hide. He wouldn't be able to hid what happened to him and his family. Not like they already didn't know some part but, it still brought him a lot of pain whenever he had to remember and talk about it.

"So, Tristan, how old are you and where are you from?" Marie asked. Tristan breathed in and out. Lvan could see Tristan was struggling. He didn't look like he wanted to talk about his past and that is exactly where all these questions was leading. Lvan slowly brought Tris's hand to his lips and placed kisses on it. Tristan turned to look at lvan who shook his head as he said, "You don't have to if you're not ready"

Tristan felt warm inside when he hears what lvan said. His mate was so sweet and considerate. His mate. His mate was here so why was he so afraid? He should stand strong as he had a mate to impress. He was weak by nature but that didn't mean he couldn't be strong.

"Don't worry, and thank you for caring about me" Tristan said to lvan with a smile. Lvan's worried expression turned into a smile and he squeezed Tristan's hand. Tristan turned to face his in-laws as he answered, "I'm 21 and I was from Rid Rack" 

"21?" Marie said in a surprised tone.

"You said you were from Rid Pack? What happened?" Tristan inhaled sharply. Lvan squeezed Tris's hand again. Alan smelled sadness from Tristan. He instantly remembered that Tristan always smelled sadness whenever he thought or talked about his family. Alan held Tristan's other hand to comfort him.

Tristan turned to look at Alan. Ah, he worried the kid again. He gave Alan a smile to assure him that he was okay. Alan looked unconvinced but he didn't say anything which Tristan was grateful.

"My parents sold my best friend and I"

"What the fuck?!!" They all turned to look at Marie with a surprised look. The woman had never cursed before. Even Tristan looked shocked. Marie got up and lvan got up knowing where his mother was coming to sit. He smiled and went to sit at where his mother was seated which was beside Rex.

Marie put her hand around Tristan in comfort. "Is okay. Those monsters doesn't deserve you. You're mine now" Tristan burst out crying. They all looked sadly at him. "Shhh, stop crying" Marie began wiping Tris's tears with her handkerchief. Tristan started sniffing, trying to stop the tears. Marie wiped the tears clean and the room fell into silence for a little while before Tristan began his story.

"The day I turned 21, my older brother, Albert, told me he wished I never came of age" In the paranormal world, a shifter is said to be of age when they turn 21, that's why Marie was so shock when Tristan mentioned his age. In the paranormal world, Tristan was considered as a kid.

"Did your brother treat you bad like your parents?" Marie asked in a soft but disgusting tone. She just couldn't believe anyone could treat their children bad and not with love and care. Which kind of monsters did Tristan end up with as his parents?

"No. I have two brothers and I can say, they were the ones who shown me love and care. They raised me with so much love and affection. More than I can ask for. They're my only family" Tristan sniffed again and Marie wiped the tear which was streaming down his right eye with her handkerchief.

"My parents had never shown me love or affection. They never cared about me. No, they never cared about me or my brothers. I thought, Al told me he wished I never reached 21 because he knew my parents had sold me and my friend. I don't know if they did the same with my brothers or not"

Jack nodded, "You said your parents sold you and your friend. Who's this friend?" Jack asked, his eyebrows arched in question at Tristan.

"Yes. My parents sold my best friend Jake and I. Jake's parents died when he was a pup and since then, he stayed with us. They were our neighbors before they got into an accident and Jake lost his parents. Actually, we were more than neighbors. My parents and Jake's parents were friends while Jake and I were friends. My brothers also used to play with us"

Tristan smiled at the memory. "My parents volunteered to adopt Jake when his parents died. Since Jake's parents and my parents were friends before they passed, no one objected. My parents already knew Jake was omega and about me too but they never told me"

"What?!" Marie exclaimed.

"But, that can't be. You.....

Tristan nodded, understanding what Jack meant. Every wolf's scent told what type of a wolf he or she was, being Alpha, Beta or Omega. So it was kind of incredulous to have heard Tristan say he didn't know he was omega.

"Our pack members weren't aware Jake and I are omega. It was just the pack leader, his betas, my parents and my brothers who knew about it"

" did you conceal it from the pack members?" Colten asked, curious to know. Wolves had excellent nose not all wolves that goes as far as he knew.

"We were given some pills. It concealed our omega scents and replaced them with alpha scents. I don't know how but that's what happened. I knew Jake was taking those pills but I didn't know I was taken the same pills when my parents gave it to me and that's why I believed I was alpha until some weeks ago" Tristan inhaled sharply before continuing, "After I found out I was sold together with Jake and that they were coming for us, my brothers decided to help Jake and I escape but Jake objected to go with me"

Tristan looked so sad as he looked down, "He thought he would be a burden. He stayed back, saying I should look for a safe pack and come back for him when I found one. But then, I feel I left him behind" Marie pulled Tristan into a hug."You didn't leave him behind. And he made the right choice" Tristan let out a pathetic laughter. "Rex said the same" 

"Tristan" Tristan pulled himself together and turned to look at Jack who spoke, "What do you think about going back for Jake and your brothers?" Tristan looked at Jack with surprise written all over his face. "I mean, you're in a safe pack now which has also become your home. You of all people know whether or not your family will be safe here"

Tristan couldn't believe what he just heard, even though he knew lvan would have agreed to go back for Jake and his brothers if he told him everything before and asked him to. Still, he couldn't believe it.

He looked the people around him, the people he had come to love and called them his family.

These people were too good to be true. Can he really have these people in his life? Is he allow to call these people his family? He didn't know the answer but he wanted them. He wanted Jack and Marie to be his parents. He wanted Rex to be his brother. He wanted Chris and Even to be his older brothers and friends. He didn't know Colten and Roy that well but he wanted them in his life too. He wanted Alan as his son, and he wanted lvan as his mate.

It was silly how he wanted Alan as his son and lvan as his mate when they were already his. Finally, he has come to believe that it was real. That Alan was now his and lvan was really his mate.

Tristan smiled at his new family members as he answered,

"I would love that" Marie smiled and kissed Tristan's forehead before hugging him while Alan hugged him, screaming

"Yeayeayea" in happiness. Tristan looked at his son, stroking his hair. "Welcome to the family again, brother-in-law"

Tristan turned to look at Rex and rolled his eyes in annoyance while the others burst out laughter.

Tristan looked at his mate who had a warm smile on his face.

'Alpha, will you be mine together with your son and family? " Tristan sent lvan a link. Lvan smirked as he answered, 'It will always be yes"

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