
Seventy Seven

I stopped screaming because it was pointless. My cries fell on deaf ears, and Sia, the one I thought I shared a blood bond with, ignored my pain. He simply continued to dine with the rest of the royal family, as if I weren't there, as if I weren't gasping for breath, as if my lifeblood wasn't slowly being drained from my body.

Hanos, the Vampire King, finally released me, but Sia's indifference cut deeper than any wound. I staggered away from Hanos; my hand pressed against the gaping wound in my neck. His bite had been excruciatingly deep, and the dizziness that washed over me threatened to pull me into unconsciousness. But I couldn't afford to faint. Not now. Not in front of these ice beings who saw me as nothing more than a pawn in their games.

With shaky steps, I moved toward the wall and leaned against it for support. I needed to stay conscious, to prove my strength, and to ensure that they didn't see me as weak.

Sia, finally breaking his silence, licked his lips and then smacke
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