
Chapter 1


I knew this dream too intimately.

I knew how it played out from the beginning till the very end. And I knew that every time it haunted me, I very much wished it was but a bad dream. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. It was a recollection, a memory playing on the loop in my subconscious. A memory of that becursed night.

Lifeless bodies around me, others in wolf form and others in human. Cries filled the night air while cinder and ash rained from the sky of blazing fire around us.

The helplessness from watching my pack being massacred by a group of rogue wolves, wolves so powerful that no weapon penetrated their skin…

Wolves with eyes blazing red like burning flares of hell fire.

Warriors falling, one by one. Throats being ripped and torn in front of my very own eyes.

My mother's lifeless body with her throat ripped out, my father wounded and howling over the body of her mate...the pain he never recovered from.

And Kai... My favorite young cub with a crescent moon on his forehead, watching his head being cut off by a wolf the size of Ethan.

And then, a scream. My own scream.

I sprung out of the seat, panting and heaving as I tried to dispel the images playing behind my eyes. I glanced around, eyes wide with horror, praying and wishing that I was away from the horrors of my mind. That it was all over.

A warm hand clutched me by my arm, and I stared into the pale blue eyes of none but my brother.

Relief washed over me when a small smile formed on his lips, and I crushed my body against his.

“You are okay. It’s over now!” He wrapped his arms around me protectively before kissing the top of my head.

“It's okay, Puddin’” He shushed, and slowly, the shock wore off from being in the comfort of his embrace, and the nightmares shied away to the darkest pits of my mind where they resided.

Slowly, I became aware of my surroundings.

For one, the whirr of the engines had shushed. And the jet was as stable as the land.

“We’ve arrived?” I asked, still cradled against Ethan.

“We have.” He slowly unwrapped his arms from around me and pushed me backward, then stared down at me.

“It’s going to be alright, Puddin’. We all are going to be alright.” As long as I surrendered to Riftan in exchange for protection and pack treaties.

If marrying Riftan was what was needed to protect my pack and to prevent history from repeating itself, then yes...I would gladly walk down that aisle and be the rightful Luna of the Blood Moon pack!

Softly, I nodded and gave him a small smile, failing to form any word.

He smiled back and kissed my forehead, then took my hand in his and started to walk to the open door of the jet. It was then I realized it had just been the two of us.

My thoughts splashed on the ground when I took a step out of the jet and looked at what lay before my eyes!

Just a few feet from the jet craft stood not one, not two… but countless men clad in black and white. Their rigid forms reminded me of lifeless statues, and the steady rise and fall of their chests was the one thing that signaled life to them.

Everyone seemed to look like something drawn from the nightmare, and my breath shuddered when they all bathed me with their attention.

“Is that…” My voice was barely a whisper, but knowing the werewolf senses, everybody must have heard me.

“The pack warriors sent by Alpha Riftan in exchange for his bride.” A smooth voice called out from the midst, and my eyes came to being with a man as tall as a giant, with broad shoulders and red hair. His smile was warm enough to light up the world, but something was slightly off about him.

As good-looking as he was, I knew better than to fall for any word that left his mouth.

“Miss Noles, Alpha Ethan, I, Chase Jacob, and Gamma of Blood Moon Pack welcome you.” He stretched his arms to the side as though he was exerting dominance, silently letting us know that we were on his turf and he was calling all the shots.

“Gamma?” My brows knitted. My eyes scanned the area as I took the remaining stairs and placed myself before the handsome devil who could simply snap my neck within a second.

“And what of your alpha?” My voice was surprisingly stable,

“The Alpha had other… pressing matters. He couldn’t be here.” He responded, and something stabbed through my heart at the news.

He was too busy to even accept his own Luna?


“How many warriors are here?” Ethan intoned, changing the subject. Another stabbing pain had me wincing with the realization that this was it. I was given away in exchange for these beastly warriors standing before me.

“150. All trained and inspected by the alpha himself.” Chase responded with an unhidden smug, and I found myself wanting to be out of this place no sooner than later.

“And what will we be using to Ashford?” I inquired, earning the attention of blue orbs.

“We have cars ready to take you to the Pack House.” He stretched his left arm to the side, and my eyes followed his arm to find three Cadillacs, midnight black and beastly like a whole living entity...

Serena’s words bubbled in my head… Riftan was sure wealthy.

“I like what you have here but I prefer traveling in something smaller. And faster.” I intoned, causing the man before me to smirk.

“Nice. And what would you like specifically?” Chase asked with a corked brow, and I ran a finger under my chin as though I was giving it a thought. But I already knew what I wanted. I have only seen it in the movies and never had the luxury to actually ride in one.

“A Lamborghini shall do. Make it white.”

“EDEN…” my brother’s voice came out disapproving, but the glint in his blue eyes told me something else.

“A white Lamborghini coming right up.” He snapped his fingers and a commotion was caused behind his back. I turned to face my brother.

“Once we landed in Heathrow, everything changed. This ruined prized calf no longer belongs to Crescent Island Pack. I belong to Blood Moon Pack now.”

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