
Alpha's Regret: Omega Secretary's My Mate
Alpha's Regret: Omega Secretary's My Mate
Author: Mrs.Fernandez

His true mate


The sound of laughter filtered through the air, and I chanced a sideways glance. Julian was chuckling at something the brunette who had strut into the office earlier as though she owned it said.

His eyes never left her face gorgeous face. The corner of his lips creased, and I sucked in a deep breath as a stinging sensation pricked at my eyes.

Why couldn't he feel the same way about me in the office? Was I any different from her?

Maybe I was at of his league.

The brunette was drop-dead gorgeous and looked like someone out of a swimsuit Magazine; her long hair had loose curls at the end, and her features were so soft, so womanly, and could attract any man who glanced at her.

Unlike me, in my drab brown suit and the tight bun, I always put my waist-length blonde hair in.

She moved in close, whispering in his ear. He didn't even flinch, his gaze still locked on hers as if she was the only woman that existed to him.

The office was designed in a way that you could see all the things that were happening. I had always loved the transparency, but now it mocked me, its glass screens and minimalist decor a constant reminder of my invisibility at this moment.

The clock ticked endlessly as I waited for a brief minute for her to step out, but she didn't seem like she was in a hurry or leaving anytime soon.

Unable to watch all that was unfolding before me any longer, I stood from my seat, the legs of the chair scraping the floor, garnering the attention of my colleagues.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry," I whispered, striding towards the bathroom.

Breathing out, I stepped towards the mirror; my palms were on the golden sink, clenching tightly.

What was I thinking? That the almighty Alpha Julian Saint Clair would mate with me after giving myself willingly to him?

"You're stupid and naive, Avery," I gritted out.

It should be enough that we were dating, even though no one knew anything about it in the office; it was the lack of respect he had for me that often got to me.

I was his mate, but each time he made me feel as though I was garbage. Garbage that could easily be tossed around whenever.

"Are you alright, Ava?" Leslie, my friend for five years, asked, and I turned to her, nodding and offering her a small smile.

"I'll be fine," I said.

She patted my shoulder before walking out. She didn't know what was happening, and I couldn't as well share it with her despite her being my confidante.

As she left, my eyes returned to the mirror, and they glazed over as I stared longer into the mirror.

Seven years ago, the first time I encountered Julian Saint Clair was at the front of this huge company, barking out orders into his phone.

I was 17 years old, a college student, and trying to support myself financially, and this company, Saint Clair Industries, offers flexible working hours.

I applied and was given the opportunity to come for an interview.

The sight of an angry Julian had sparked a strange sensation within me. I had stayed for a few seconds, awed by his godly features, and almost got run over by a car I didn't see coming.

Julian had saved me by pulling me into his strong arm. He had scolded me as well for being inattentive, and at that moment, a glance at me from his ocean-blue eyes that gleamed like polished sapphires had stirred a strange emotion within me.

It was just a crush, I had said to myself after passing the company's interview, and I assumed it would vanish when I began working, but that never happened.

I had watched all that he was doing around the office discreetly.

It wasn't his beauty alone that had made me fall head over heels for him. It was the aura of superiority, the way he carried himself with an air of confidence, and his fairness to everyone around the office.

Second years passed, and the same longing centered in my heart for Julian while I watched him move around with so many women in his circle. He put me in charge of scheduling each meeting. I believed there was nothing more painful than seeing your crush wine and dine with another woman other than you.

But Julian didn't care about my feelings. He never did acknowledge them for once.

In the third year, Julian had a trip while rushing into his office and broke his arm.

A faint smile formed on my face as I recalled him cursing even though that event was barely amusing.

I had visited him at home not because I wanted to but because it was an obligation. I was his secretary, after all, and I had been tasked to take care of him.

That was the night that changed everything.

Julian had tugged me as I was about to excuse myself for the night and had kissed me. I couldn't push him away even as I wanted to. His lips had felt like a drug, making me giddy, delirious, and wanting more even though he was the one on drugs.

Also, I felt the mate bond for the first time and the connection between us. I felt his mate's imprint burning as I touched him with the same fervor he did.

"Mate," I whispered as be thrust into me. Julian said nothing about it, and I assumed it was the drug doing.

When he came awake, it got worse. At first, he didn't seem to know what had happened until he saw me lying beside him, and he shook me awake violently, demanding what I was doing in his bed.

I had summoned courage and tried to explain to the best of my ability, but Julian had snapped, bared his teeth at me, and ordered me to leave the room as though I was an annoying tramp who had forced myself on him.

The shame that had pressed down on me, as well as the confusion, was overwhelming. I thought he wanted me. Even though I knew it was mostly the drugs, I was happy. For three years, I had been longing for him, and he had eventually done what I desired the most, even though he had looked like he would yank my head off if he were given the opportunity.

Sighing, I caressed my cheeks. I gazed down at my hand to see the tears on it before looking into the mirror.

I shouldn't cry. Julian wasn't worth my tears, but the so many rejections and heartbreak from him was something I couldn't do away with so easily.

Also, realizing I was the only one feeling this. I had asked him before leaving the room if he felt the bond between us, and he had denied it and said he'd never feel anything for me.

That was when I realized I was in a one-way mate bond feeling.

A rare disease that couldn't be cured. A disease the moon goddess had blessed me with.

The irony.

Wiping my tears and splashing water on my face, I stayed in the restroom for a few seconds before stepping out into the office.

Just then, the door opened, and a blonde with bright blue eyes, very fair skin, and a slender build sauntered into the office. The sequined dress she wore was mid-thigh, and the low neckline showed more cleavage than I could imagine. She wasn't perturbed, unlike me, who would never dare to come out in such a dress.

Her red heels were ridiculously high, and she didn't stumble as she walked towards me, her eyes narrowed.

She was Sophia Saint Clair, Julian's little sister and someone who loathed my existence.

"Whore," Sophia snapped.

"E-excuse me?" I said, stunned, glancing around to ensure she wasn't speaking to me.

Sophia laughed humourlessly, "Yes, I am speaking about you, Avery Well, you're a whore, and you can't have Julian."

"What are you talking about?" I laughed nervously, my eyes darting around.

Did he tell Sophia about us? We had been sneaking around since the first time I allowed him access to my body, and it was a relationship that shouldn't get out as it was forbidden to have any affair in the workplace.

It was part of the rule Julian had set, yet he had broken it.

Did he somehow tell Sophia about us? I doubted it. Julian wasn't the kind of person who'd sit his sister down and start discussing his sexual life.

"You took her place and believed he was going to love you, but sorry, dearest, Julian doesn't do tramps like you, and his first love is back. Emily is his true mate; you're just a placeholder," Sophia sneered.

I swallowed hard, blinking back the tears that threatened to slip out of my eyes at her harsh words.

Turning away from Sophia, who continued to yell at me, I halted as I saw Julian again through the glass screen.

He was still with the brunette, and they were shameless not to even close the blind. At least, it would make her heart ache less if I didn't see both of them.

As if noticing I was watching them, the brunette left his side and walked towards me, her hand extended.

"I don't think we've formally introduced ourselves. My name is Emily Bakers, and I am Julian's true mate."

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