
Mere Plaything

Chapter 2: AVERY POV

I am Julian's true mate.

Emily's words resonated in my head, and I stared at her extended hand longer than I should have wanted to before looking at her face.

I had never been slapped so hard until now. Even when Sophia was yelling at me, it seemed like nothing compared to what I was hearing right now.

"I've heard a lot about you, Avery, and how resourceful you can be as Julian's secretary; I hope we get along," A bright smile adorned her face.

I said nothing because I had nothing to say to her. I didn't know where she had heard about me from, and I doubted it was anything good if it was Sophia who was feeding the information to her.

"I hope we'll get the opportunity to be able to have a discussion next time," Emily stated.

"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you," I muttered, walking away from her.

Emily didn't look like she had heard what I said as she smiled broadly. Then she began walking away from me.

Her declaration still lingered in my head, but for all I knew, she could just be saying anything she wanted.

I stepped towards the coffee machine and poured myself a black coffee, which was my favorite, to keep myself awake and sane from all that was happening.

Turning to walk back to my cubicle, I halted as someone bumped into me.

Startled, I jumped. The coffee cup in my hand clattered to the tiled floor, and I gripped the wall nearby to break my fall.

My eyes widened as a thud resonated throughout the office, followed by a cry.

Emily was on the ground, and most of the content of my coffee had splashed on her, as well as on me.

"I didn't push her," I whispered, my eyes widening as I continued to gaze at a sobbing Emily.

She sniffled, looking up at me with teary eyes. "I know you don't like me, Avery, and I only try to be friends with you. Please do not bully me."

Emily's voice was so loud that it attracted not only the attention of everyone in the office but Julian as well.

"What's going on here?" Julian asked in a low growl as he strode towards us.

His eyes were narrowed, and they flashed with anger as they moved from Emily to mine.

"She-she," Emily gasped out, her hand covering my mouth, and her body trembled violently.

"I swear I did nothing," I whispered.

But Julian heard me.

He snarled, standing from where he was crouched near Emily, and started towards me but stopped as Emily gripped his hand.

"Please, stay with me," she whimpered.

"Get me some fucking ice," Julian snapped at a blonde nearby. He gently withdrew his hand from Emily and stepped towards me.

"How could you be so reckless and clumsy?" he asked me.

"I swear, I didn't do it," I said, my gaze locking on his beautiful ocean-blue eyes.

But he wasn't having it. I doubt he'd be ready to listen to my side of the story. I mean, she had tripped herself, and I was the one suffering the most.

Most of my scalding coffee had splattered on my legs, and they stung like hell, but he didn't care.

When the blonde he had sent for the ice returned with it, wrapped in a piece of white fabric, he took it from her and walked back to Emily.

"I'm sorry," he said before placing the ice on her supposedly injured arm and leg.

On closer inspection, the burns in the area were small and almost unseen. But due to the fairness of her skin, it looked red and slightly swollen.

I doubted it was anything compared to mine. I doubted she was feeling any sting and the feeling as though her flesh was being boiled.

My heart clenched as I watched the interaction, and my eyes brimmed with tears.

I turned away, about to leave, but stopped when I heard Julian's voice.

"Apologize to Emily now. You need to take responsibility for your carelessness!" His voice was low and menacing.

Julian looked like he would strangle me if he were given the opportunity, but due to the people present, he had stopped himself because he didn't want to stain his hands.

"Avery..." His low growl caused me to cringe.

Biting my lower lip, I glanced at my black four-inch heels. "I-I apologize... I didn't mean to spill the coffee; it was an accident."

My voice trembled slightly, and it made me appear weak even though I wanted to be anything but that.

Julian scoffed, standing. He raised a brow at me, "Are you not making excuses for your own incompetence now?"

"I said I was sorry. What else do you want me to do?"

"I want you to mean it. I want you to understand that your actions have consequences.

Julian gripped my hand and pulled me towards where Emily was.

"Now apologize like you mean it. Do not make me repeat myself," he ordered.

Everyone was still watching. I flushed and intertwined my fingers. Dragging in a breath, I whispered loud enough for Emily and Julian to hear me.

Also, to keep my voice steady and stop it from trembling. "I'm very sorry, Emily. Please accept my apology."

For a few seconds, there was silence, and I thought no one would respond until Emily gazed at me tearfully.

"It's not your fault. I am sorry too, and I should have watched where I was going." she whimpered.

Goodness, the two-faced bitch. How could she act so pure and so evil?

I nodded, watching as Julian left my side to go to her. He helped her up and took her to his office. A few minutes later, both of them stepped out.

Julian returned to the office alone.

As soon as he stepped into his office, I ran after him.

"I didn't send for you," Julian said, flipping through some paperwork on his desk.

"T-the blind," I said, pointing at the large red button by the wall. Whenever he pushed it, everyone became oblivious to whatever was happening in there. And that was what I wanted.

It was enough that they were already gossiping about how jealous I was of Emily, and I had intentionally poured my coffee on her. Now, having them see me interact with Julian, I doubted I'd be spared for the duration of my stay here.

Julian scrutinized me briefly before pushing the button. As soon as the blind closed, I breathed out a relieved sigh.

"Speak," he said.

“What am I to you for these past years?” I blurted out.

I've been in and out of his bed for four years since I arrived here seven years ago. I really wanted to know what I was to him.

Julian looked taken aback, then the surprise washed off his face instantly, and he stood, walking towards me.

There was enough distance between us, which I was grateful for, and for one, Julian didn't look like he would charm me into his bed.

"What am I, Julian?" I asked him again.

"Nothing, Avery, nothing," Julian said, his voice cold, sending shivers running down my spine.

"You are nothing but a passing fancy, a mere plaything, disposable, and nothing more."

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