
35. The emperor

I am not very familiar with my surroundings, so, every turn comes a surprise and I almost fall on my ass each time I have to take a sharp turn. I know he is behind me. I could not see him. I was too busy running to just look behind, but I somehow knew I would not see him. I could not explain this strange feeling. It almost felt as if he was nothing but a shadow when he wanted to be.

It felt as if he was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was some sort of a strange thought I had, but did not dare to speak out loud. I have never heard of a wolf being capable of doing this. Especially one who had grown right into the heart of a city and not in contact with nature and its own roots.

I take another sharp turn and suck in an abrupt breath as I almost walk right into the blonde woman who was already not fond of me. A short yelp escapes me and I close my eyes tightly, knowing damn well I will crash into her, and I will have to live my life knowing I hurt my mother in law on my first
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